104th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment

The "Ringgold Regiment"

To the memory of

the Officers and Men

of the

One Hundred and Fourth

Pennsylvania Regiment

who fell in the late war

“Their good swords rust,

and their steeds are dust,

but their souls are with the saints we trust.”


104th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers Infantry

The “Ringgold Regiment”

Completed in 1868 this monument was one of the first Civil War memorials in the nation.

In August 1861, W.W.H. Davis, a prominent Doylestown citizen, was authorized to raise a regiment to serve three years in the war. Camp Lacey was established on the outskirts of Doylestown to train and equip the volunteers. In November, the regiment of 1,049 men departed by train for Washington D.C., to become part of the Army of the Potomac.

In the Spring of 1862, the 104th embarked with the army for the Peninsular Campaign. In their first major battle, Fair Oaks-Seven Pines, they received the brunt of a Confederate attack, suffering heavy losses. During this action, Color Sgt. Hiram Pursell, despite suffering several wounds, gallantly rescued the regimental flags. For his act of bravery, he was awarded the Medal of Honor. This event inspired William Trego's painting, “The Rescue of the Colors”.

In late 1862, the 104th was transferred further south serving in several campaigns including the siege of Charleston, S.C., and the attack on Fort Wagner. The battery for the famous “Swamp Angel” cannon used in the bombardment of Charleston was constructed by the regiment.

In 1864 after three years service, many 104th veterans reenlisted. The regiment was then sent to the Shenandoah Valley, where two companies were engaged in the Battle of Cedar Creek. Following that the 104th was sent to participate in the siege of Petersburg, VA. When Richmond fell in April 1865, the 104th occupied Petersburg.

The regiment was mustered out of the service on August 25, 1865.


Killed in Action 46

Missing in Action 3

Taken Prisoner 62

Died in Service 104

Bucks County Civil War Round Table - 1997

Marker is at the intersection of Main Street and Court Street, in the median on Main Street.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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