114th New York Volunteer Infantry

Sept. 3. 1862 - June 8. 1865.

(Back):Erected by the State of New York

In honor of her sons

of the 114th Regiment New York

Volunteer Infantry,A tribute to their devotion to duty, their unfaltering courage and glorious sacrifices. Tested on many fields, their valor was most conspicuous at Winchester Virginia Sept, 19th 1864, in holding advanced defensive lines at a loss, killed and wounded, of 188 of the 315 engaged, and at Cedar Creek Virginia Oct 19th 1864, in resisting flank attacks and joining in the final victorious charge at a like loss of 127 of the 250 engaged.Time crowns their memories

with undying honor

Marker is on National Avenue (Business State Highway 7), on the right when traveling east.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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