121st Ohio Infantry

John Beatty's Brigade - Davis' Division

121st Ohio Infantry.

John Beatty's Brig., Davis' Div., 14th Corps.

Maj. John Yager.

Nov. 25, 1863.Davis' Division, in which this regiment served, was concentrated at Caldwell's Crossing opposite the mouth of the west Chickamauga, previous to the arrival of Gen. Sherman's forces. It covered the crossing of that command over the Tennessee on the night of Nov. 23, and forenoon of the 24th. It acted as a reserve to Sherman throughout the battle of the 25th, but its infantry was not engaged. On the 26th the regiment skirmished heavily beyond Chickamauga Station, and the next day near Ringgold.

Casualties: Wounded, 3 men.

Marker is on South Crest Road 0.1 miles south of Ridge Road, on the right when traveling south.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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