149th New York Infantry

3rd Brigade - 2nd Division

(Front):149th New York Infantry

3rd Brigade - 2nd Division

12th Corps(Caption under Bas Relief):

Flag was planted in works. Shot down and mended under fire.


5 p.m. July 1, 1863, occupied position near Little Round Top. 4 a.m. July 2d. moved here. Built these works and defended them July 2d. and 3d. Killed 6, wounded 46, missing 3.


Mustered in at Syracuse, N.Y. Sept 18, 1862.

Total enlistments 1270. Total losses 602.

Mustered out June 12, 1865



Chancellorsville - Lost Mountain

Gettysburg - Kulp's Farm

Wauhatchie - Kenesaw Mountain

Lookout Mountain - Peach Tree Creek

Missionary Ridge - Siege of Atlanta

Ringgold - March to the Sea

Rocky Face Ridge - Seige of Savannah

Resaca - Campaign of the Carolinas

New Hope Church

Pine Mountain - Bentonville

Marker is on Slocum Avenue, on the right when traveling north.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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