14th Connecticut Volunteer Infantry

(Around Base):14. Conn.

2, Brig.

Left Centre of Regt.

3, Div.

2, A.C.(Front Plaque):The 14th Conn. Vol. Inf. left

Connecticut August 25, 1862;

was assigned to the

Army of the Potomac, Sept. 7, 1862,

and mustered out May 31, 1865.

The regiment was engaged in

34 great battles and severe skirmishes


Antietam, Fredericksburg,

Chancellorsville, Gettysburg,

Wilderness, Spottyslvania,

Cold Harbor, Petersburg and


Losses, in killed and died in the service, 366;

in wounded and disabled many hundreds,

original muster, 1015; Recruits 697.

Final muster of original members,

present and absent, 234, Pro patria.

This monument

erected by the survivors, July 3, 1884.

(Back Plaque):

The 14th C.V. reached the vicinity of Gettysburg at evening July 1st 1863, and held this position July 2nd 3rd and 4th The regt. took part in the repulse of Longstreet's grand charge on the 3rd capturing in their immediate front more than 200 prisoners and five battle-flags. They also, on the 3rd captured from the enemy's sharp-shooters the Bliss buildings in their far front, and held them until ordered to burn them. Men in action 160. Killed and wounded 62.

Marker is on Hancock Avenue, on the left when traveling north.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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