1788 Wells Log House

Constructed by Alexander Wells at

65 Washington St., Buffaloe, Virginia

(present day Third St.,

Wellsburg, West Virginia)

The Wells Log House was, and is, in the

“National Register of Historic Places”

District of Wellsburg (registered 1981)

The four room/two floor log house

has a “turkey breast” design fireplace

in each room.

Gratitude to Riverview Baptist Chapel

whose foresight permitted the

Wells Log House to be preserved

for education and enjoyment.

Brooke County Commissioners

are pleased to preserve and cherish

this structure as a memorial for, and

reminder of, our ancestors and history.

Dedicated May 2004

Marker is at the intersection of Charles Street and 6th Street, on the left when traveling north on Charles Street.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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