38. Presbyterian Manse

First Presbyterian Church. 5205 Elmira Street. Circa 1868. Neoclassical Revival. The First Presbyterian Church of Milton is the oldest known church building in Santa Rosa County. The church is a wood framed building that was originally clad in wood siding. The church building was modified in the 1920s. The church's exterior was then clad in brick veneer, steeple removed, and the portico was redesigned to capture the Neoclassical Revival style that was popular during that era.

Credits and Sources:


National Register of Historic Places: Milton, Florida.  November 8, 1987.  National Register Identification Number 87001944


Brian D. Rucker, “Blackwater and Yellow Pine: The Development of Santa Rosa County, 1821-1865. (Ph.D diss., Florida State University, 1990).


Virginia Savage McAlester.  A Field Guide to American Houses. (New York:  Alfred A. Knopf. 2013).


Gerald Foster. American Houses. (New York: Houghton Mifflin Company. 2004).


Maurie Van Buren. House Styles at a Glance. (Marietta, Georgia: Longstreet Press. 1991).