44th Indiana Infantry

Lauman's Brigade - Hurlbut's Division





Commanded by

Col. Hugh B. Reed

3rd Brigade - Gen. Lauman -

4th Division - Gen. Hurlbut -

Army of the Tennessee.



44th Infantry,

Commanded by Col. Hugh B. Reed.

This regiment formed in this line Sunday, April 6, 1862, at 8.30 a.m. It repulsed several charges made by the enemy, which, under orders of Gen. Bragg, was attempting to force this part of the line back. During these engagements the woods caught fire. At 2.30 p.m. regiment fell back to a line with 1st Brigade, then to rear and left of Bloody Pond, where it charged on enemy's infantry and artillery. Here seven flag- bearers were shot down. At 4.30 p.m. slowly fell back and supported siege guns. Monday, April 7th, regiment fought the enemy till 3 p.m. Number of men in action, 478. Casualties-- killed, 1 officers and 33 men; wounded, 6 officers and 171 men; missing, 1 man; total, 212.

Marker is on Sunken Road 0.2 miles west of Hamburg-Savannah Road, on the right when traveling east.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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