4th New York Volunteer Infantry

(Top Plaque):


New York Vols.

First Scott Life Guard

3rd Brigade, 3rd Division

2nd Corps

(Lower Plaque):

Mustered in service May 4, 1861. Participated with the

Army of the Potomac in the Battles of South Mountain,

Antietam, Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville.

Killed at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862

Co. A Color Sergt. A. Biering

Co. A Private John Byrnes

Co. A Private J. Corcoran

Co. A. Private W. McManus

Co. B. Capt. John S. Downs

Co. B. 1st Sergt. H. Pickham

Co. B. Private J. McDonald

Co. B. Private Chas Jones

Co. B. Private W.L. Norris

Co. B. Private John Burns

Co. C. Capt. H.K. Chapman

Co. C. Corporal H. Wolfe

Co. C. Private James Price

Co. D. Private Philip Diehl

Co. D. Private G. Frederick

Co. D. Private F.H. Hausman

Co. D. Private F. Wilbert

Co. E. Private Thomas Hickey

Co. E. Private W. McKnight

Co. F Private F. Hermann

Co. F. Private Saml. Fites

Co. G. Sergt. V.B. Carpenter

Co. G. Corp. R. Aginton

Co. G. Private Chas. Wolf

Co. G. Private M. Hines

Co. G. Private J. Stewart

Co. G. Private Francis

Co. I Corporal E.J. Flagg

Co. I Private J. Blumenshein

Co. I Private Jas. Hunt

Co. I Private P. Riley

Co. I. Private Phil Rudden

Co. I. Private B. Gordon

Co. K. Sergt. S.T. Willetts

Co. K. Corp. Joshua Smith

Co. K. Private John Hughes

Co. K. J.H. Sharrock

Marker is on Boonsboro Pike (State Highway 34), on the right when traveling east.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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