74th Ohio Infantry

Starkweather's Brigade - Johnson's Division

74th Ohio Infantry.

Starkweather's Brig., Johnson's Div., 14th Corps.

Maj. Michael H. Locher.

Nov. 25, 1863.At the opening of the battle this regiment, with its brigade, occupied the right of the line of earthworks in front of Chattanooga. The remainder of the Division formed the right of the assault on Missionary Ridge.

After this move was well developed, Gen. J. M. Palmer, commanding the 14th Corps, ordered the Brigade to move forward in support of the Division.

It marched promptly, and reached a position near the foot of the ridge as the Division gained the summit.

Though under a long range fire, it suffered no losses.

Marker is on South Crest Road 0.1 miles from Ridge Road.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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