84th Pennsylvania Infantry

1st Brigade, 2nd Division

(Front):84th Penna


July 1. The Regiment was on duty guarding the Division wagon trains. Moved with the column on the road from Taneytown to Emmittsburg and on the opening of the battle was ordered with the train to Westminster, Md. where it arrived July 2d. at 7 a.m. and picketed the roads near the wagon parks until the close of the battle.

1st Brig. 2nd Div. 3rd Corps

(Back):Recruited in

the counties of Blair,

Lycoming, Clearfield, Dauphin,

Columbia, Cameron, Westmoreland,

Huntington, Philadelphia, Montour,

and Cumberland.

Mustered in December 23, 1861.

Re-enlisted January 1, 1864.

Consolidated with 57th Penna.

Infantry January 13, 1865 and

composed the four left companies

until muster-out June 29, 1865.

Total enrollment 1310.

Killed and Died of Wounds 6 officers 122 men.

Died of Disease and other causes 1 officers 101 men

Wounded 19 officers 251 men

Captured or Missing 9 officers 241 men

Total 35 officers 715 men

Bath - Mine Run

Hancock - Wilderness

Winchester, March 28, 1862 - Spotsylvania

Front Royal - North Anna

Port Republic - Totopotomoy

Cedar Mountain - Cold Harbor

Thoroughfare Gap - Petersburg

2d Bull Run - Strawberry Plains

Fredericksburg - Deep Bottom

Chancellorsville - Poplar Spring Church

Gettysburg - Boydton Road

Kelly's Ford - Hatcher's Run

Marker is at the intersection of Pleasonton Avenue and Humphreys Avenue, on the right when traveling east on Pleasonton Avenue.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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