85. Steele House

85. Steele House. 5113 Walton Street. Circa 1920. Frame Vernacular. This house shows a classical influence with its tapered porch columns. This is typical of houses in the Milton/Bagdad area. Local history indicates this was originally built as a rental home. The house was owned by the Steele family from 1925 to 1960.

Credits and Sources:


National Register of Historic Places: Milton, Florida.  November 8, 1987.  National Register Identification Number 87001944


Brian D. Rucker, “Blackwater and Yellow Pine: The Development of Santa Rosa County, 1821-1865. (Ph.D diss., Florida State University, 1990).


Virginia Savage McAlester.  A Field Guide to American Houses. (New York:  Alfred A. Knopf. 2013).


Gerald Foster. American Houses. (New York: Houghton Mifflin Company. 2004).


Maurie Van Buren. House Styles at a Glance. (Marietta, Georgia: Longstreet Press. 1991).