
Results for Army of Northern Virginia

Headquarters of the Army of Northern Virginia


In this field was located

headquarters of the Army of

Northern Virginia

July 1. 2. 3. 4. 1863

"My headquarters were in tents in an

apple orchard back of the Seminary

along the Chambersburg Pike"

Robt. E. Lee

Marker is on Chambersburg Pike (U.S. 30), on the right ...

Army of Northern Virginia


Army of Northern Virginia

General Robert E. Lee, Commanding

September 17, 1862.

General Longstreet's Command, including D.H. Hill's Division of Jackson's Command, temporarily attached, occupied the right and center of the Confederate line, extending from the Antietam Creek South of Sharpsburg, in a ...

Army of Northern Virginia


Army of Northern Virginia

General Robert E. Lee, Commanding.

(September 17, 1862.)

At about 6 a.m. Jackson became heavily engaged in resisting an attempt of Hooker's Corps of the Army of the Potomac to turn the left flank of ...

Army of Northern Virginia


Army of Northern Virginia,

General Robert E. Lee, Commanding.

(September 14-16, 1862).

Army of Northern Virginia was composed of Longstreet's and Jackson's Commands, Stuart's Cavalry Division and the Reserve Artillery.

D.R. Jones' and Hood's Division and Evans' Brigade of Longstreet's Command, also D.H. Hill's ...

Army of Northern Virginia

General Robert E. Lee commanding

The Army consisted of Three Army Corps

First Corps Lieutenant General James Longstreet

Second Corps Lieutenant General Richard S. Ewell

Third Corps Lieutenant General Ambrose P. Hill

Cavalry Division Major General J.E.B. Stuart

July 1. Heth's and Pender's Divisions Hill's Corps ...

Army of Northern Virginia

July 5, 1863

The Army on the march to the Potomac. Hill's Corps had the advance. Longstreet's the centre. Ewell's the rear. Hood's Division Longstreet's Corps started after sunrise. Early's Division Ewell's Corps started near noon and formed the rear guard. ...

Army of Northern Virginia

July 4, 1863

Ewell's Corps marched before dawn from the base of Culp's Hill and the streets of Gettysburg to Seminary Ridge and the Army remained in position on that Ridge throughout the day. Soon after dark Hill's Corps withdrew and ...

Army of Northern Virginia

July 3, 1863

Pickett's Division Longstreet's Corps arrived on the field early in the morning.

Robertson's and Jones's Brigades Stuart's Cavalry Division marched from Chambersburg via Cashtown and Fairfield to a position on the right flank of the Confederate Army. Jones's Brigade ...

Army of Northern Virginia

July 2, 1863

McLaws's and Hood's Divisions Longstreet's Corps marched from Marsh Creek to the field at Gettysburg. Law's Brigade Hood's Division marched from New Guilford to Gettysburg arriving about noon. Pickett's Division Longstreet's Corps marched from Chambersburg and arrived in ...

Army of Northern Virginia

July 1, 1863

Heth's and Pender's Divisions Hill's Corps marched from Cashtown to Gettysburg. Anderson's Division Hill's Corps marched from Fayetteville via Cashtown to near Gettysburg.

Rodes's Division Ewell's Corps marched from Heidlersburg via Middletown to Gettysburg. Early's Division Ewell's corps to ...
