
Results for Batteries E

Fort Gibson: Oyster Banks to Batteries

The earliest fort on this site was built in 1794. Great Britain’s navy had been seizing American merchant ships and forcing their sailors into service on British vessels. Congress decided that the nation’s most important harbors should be defended in ...

View Toward Batteries Robinett and Williams

A Look at Civil War Corinth

Looking northwest in this view along the right-of-way of the Memphis & Charleston RR, you can see the earthworks of Battery Williams to the left of the tracks. Battery Robinett lies in the distance to ...

The River Batteries


The River Batteries

Captain Joseph Dixon (Killed)

Captain Jacob Culbertson

CommanderThe lower water battery established at this point mounted eight 32-pounder guns and one 10-inch columbiad. Company A, 50th Tennessee, under Captain T.W. Beaumont, manned the four guns on the right, and Company ...

Confederate Forts & Batteries

About 1 1/4 mi. NE, now under water, a redoubt housed mainland defense headquarters for Island No. 10. It was flanked by Batteries 2, 3, 4 & 5. commanding the river. Successfully withstanding bombardment for two weeks, these and the ...

Batteries E & G First U.S. Artillery

Cavalry Corps

Army of the Potomac

Cavalry Corps

Batteries E & G First U.S. Artillery

Four 12 pounders

Captain Alanson M. Randol Commanding

July 1 & 2 With First Brigade Second Cavalry Division. Not engaged.

July 3 One section under ...

Batteries E & G First U.S. Artillery

Cavalry Corps

Army of the Potomac

Cavalry Corps

Batteries E & G First U.S. Artillery

Four 12 pounders

Captain Alanson M. Randol Commanding

July 1 & 2 With First Brigade Second Cavalry Division. Not engaged.

July 3 One section under ...

Batteries F & K, Third U.S. Artillery

First Regular Brigade - Artillery Reserve

Army of the Potomac

Artillery Reserve

First Regular Brigade

Batteries F & K Third U.S. Artillery

Six 12 pounders

Lieut. John C. Turnbull Commanding

July 1 Took position on crest of hill near General ...

Confederate Water Batteries

The earthen structure nearby, ¾ mile in length, was constructed by the Confederates by order of General Gideon Pillow in July, 1861. Designed to hold 40 artillery pieces, the water batteries were the major works which prevented the passage of ...

Earthworks Over River Batteries

These earthworks protected the river batteries from attack by land. It is likely that these works were constructed by the Confederates during 1861 or 1862, although there is some evidence that they were constructed by Union forces during 1863.

Marker can ...

Batteries C & F, Pennsylvania Independent Light Artillery

C & F

Indp't Penn'a


Position occuped

Indp't Pa. Art'y F

Hampton's Battery

July 3rd A.D. 1863

Organized at Pittsburg Pa

Oct. 8th 1861

Mustered out of United States Service

June 24th 1865

On this field the following members ...
