
Results for Battle of Resaca

Battle of Resaca

May 14, 1864

The Battle of Resaca was one of the few places where the entire armies of Sherman and Johnston faced each other in the Atlanta Campaign. Judah´s (2nd) Div., 23rd Army Corps & part of the 14th Corps [US] ...

Battle of Resaca

May 13, 1864. The 15th and the 16th A.C. (US) deployed astride road on ridges W. of those next to and this side of Camp Creek, where Polk's Corps (CS) was posted.

May 14: The 15th and the 16th A.C. drove ...

Battle of Resaca

May 14, 1864

A portion of Hood's A. C. (CS), thrust forward to hold ridge in fork of cr. was driven back to hills this side of the valley & N. of the road.

Cox's ( 3d ) Div., 23d A. C. ...

Battle of Resaca

Hood's line, (CS) beginning E. at State R.R. ran W. to point atop ridge (S) where Hardee's rt. joined it & together with Polk's Corps, (CS) the line was prolonged 3 miles S. to the Oostanaula River.

May 13, 1864, Sherman's ...

Battle of Resaca

May 14-15, 1864

At this point the intrenched line of Gen. John B. Hood's Corps (CS) crossed the road ~ this corps being one of the three composing Gen. J.E. Johnston's Army of Tennessee.

Line faced N., Hindman's Div. (CS) on the ...

Battle of Resaca

May 14-15, 1864

0.5 mi. W. is Camp Creek Valley, scene of the 23rd Corps (US) assaults on Hood's left and Hardee's right (CS), May 14.

On ridge 0.2 mi. W. was the position of Wood's (3rd) Div., 4th A.C. and Capt. ...

Battle of Resaca

May 13, 1864, McPherson's 15th and 16th A.C. (US) moving from Snake Creek Gap reached this cross-roads where his forces were deployed for advance toward Camp Cr.

Gen. Judson Kilpatrick's Cav. Div. (US) led advance; during a sharp engagement he was ...

Battle of Resaca

May 16, 1864. Johnston's forces (CS) withdrew from Resaca via pontoon, R. R. & trestle bridges over the Oostanaula River.

The 4th & two divs. Of the 14th Corps (US) rebuilt 2 bridges which had been burned & followed the retreating ...

Battle of Resaca

May 15, 1864. The 23d A.C. (US) was shifted from Camp Cr., 1.5 mi. W., to this vicinity where it extended the left of Sherman’s line (US) to the Conasauga River.

Hovey’s (1st) div. supported Williams’ (1st) div., 20th A.C. (US), ...

Battle of Resaca

At this point the entrenched line of Stanley’s (1st) Div., 4th A.C. (US) crossed the highway, facing Hood’s line (CS) 0.5 mi. South.

May 14, 1864: 0.4 mi. E. (near Nance’s Spring) Hood’s rt.(CS) made a spirited attack on Stanley’s left ...
