
Results for Battlefield Landmark

National Historic Landmark- Wolf Mountains Battlefield

Wolf Mountains Battlefield / Where Big Crow Walked Back and Forth

The Battle of Wolf Mountains, January 8, 1877, was a major turning point in the Great Sioux War in that it resulted in the eventual surrender, just a few ...

National Historic Landmark- Rosebud Battlefield

Rosebud Battlefield, Montana, is a primary site in the core area of the Great Sioux War of 1876-77. According to the multiple property documentation form for the “The Great Sioux War of 1876-1877 in Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, and Nebraska, ...

National Historic Landmark – Red Bank Battlefield

National Historic Landmark - Red Bank Battlefield

On October 22, 1777, Fort Mercer, an earthen fort erected to guard the river approach to Philadelphia, was successfully defended by Americans in the Battle of the Red Bank.

Their victory delayed the opening of ...

National Historic Landmark - Princeton Battlefield

National Historic Landmark - Princeton Battlefield

The battle that began at sunrise on January 3, 1777, on a field outside Princeton ended when British troops who were barricaded in Nassau Hall surrendered.

Washington's victory here helped raise the morale of the colonists ...

National Historic Landmark - Monmouth Battlefield

National Historic Landmark - Monmouth Battlefield

This Landmark commemorates The Battle of Monmouth, June 28, 1778.

This was a pivotal engagement of the Revolutionary War, since it marked the combat debut of the improved Continental Army, tempered by a long winter of ...

National Historic Landmark- Glorieta Pass Battlefield

National Historical Landmark- Glorieta Pass Battlefield

In February 1862, a Confederate brigade of 2,500 Texans marched up the Rio Grande Valley, with the intention of driving through Albuquerque and Santa Fe, and onto Denver; 1,300 Federal soldiers moved to intercept them.

The ...

National Historic Landmark-Stony Point Battlefield

National Historical Landmark-Stony Point Battlefield

On July 15, 1779, the Patriot victory at Stony Point, under Gen. Mad Anthony Wayne, insured General Washington's control of the Hudson River and West Point.

Courtesy National Park Service National Historical Landmarks

National Historic Landmark-Oriskany Battlefield

National Historical Landmark- Oriskany Battlefield

Site of a fierce battle between American militiamen attempting to relieve Fort Stanwix and a combined force of British Loyalists and Indians.

Although the American patriot force failed to raise the siege at that time, the ...

National Historic Landmark - Newtown Battlefield

National Historic Landmark - Newtown Battlefield

Site of a battle (29 August 1779) that was a result an expedition lead by Maj. Gen. John Sullivan and was the major American military effort of 1779.

General George Washington ordered the Sullivan expedition as ...

National Historic Landmark -Bentonville Battlefield

National Historic Landmark -Bentonville Battlefield

The Battle of Bentonville, where two military titans of the Civil War--Gens. William T. Sherman and Joseph E. Johnston--faced each other for the final time in a major battle, was the last occasion on which a ...
