
Results for Cedar Creek

Cedar Creek Stampede

NOTICE: Access to this site may be via narrow dirt or gravel roads with few turnarounds.

NOTICE: Cell service may be limited or nonexistent in the area of this site.

Louis Barrette rode through snow and ice towards Frenchtown in ...

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National Historic Landmark - Cedar Creek Battlefield & Belle Grove Plantation

General Philip Sheridan defeated Confederate General Jubal Early at Cedar Creek on October 19, 1864, climaxing the struggle for the Shenandoah Valley. Belle Grove, built by James Madison's brother-in-law Isaac Hite, Jr. between 1794-1797 as the center of his 7.500 ...

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Cedar Creek Quaker Meeting House

English immigrant Thomas Stanley, born about 1670, championed the right to religious freedom early in the 1700s. Stanley gave nearby land for a Quaker meetinghouse, school, and cemetery. Until the 19th century, the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) convened here ...

Cedar Creek Hundred

Originally known as Cedar Hook Hundred.

Before 1683 that part of hundred lying

north of Cedar Creek formed part of St.

Jones County, now Kent County. When

Mispillion Creek was made northern

boundary of Sussex County, the northern

part of ...

Battle of Cedar Creek

The Battle of Cedar Creek

19 October 1864 (a.m.)

Maj. Gen. Philip Sheridan’s Union forces established themselves on both sides of the Valley Pike, north of Cedar Creek, centered on Belle Grove.

Confederate Lt. Gen. Jubal A. Early decided to send from below ...

Cedar Creek The 8th Vermont Vol's

Genl. Stephen Thomas

Commanding Brigade

Advanced across the Pike

The morning of Oct. 19, 1864.

Engaged the enemy near

and beyond this point,

and before sunrise lost

in killed and wounded 110 men.

Three color bearers were shot down

and 13 out of 16 commissioned officers.

Whole number ...

Cedar Creek Primitive Baptist Church

Cedar Creek Primitive Baptist Church was organized April 10, 1813. The first pastor was Samuel Strange; first clerk was John Collins; first deacons were Frederick Holland, John Collins, and H.H. Kennedy. Other deacons include Redding Yeomans, J.J. Kennedy,

Lewis Powell, Homer ...

Battle of Cedar Creek

The breaking of this bridge in the evening of October 19, 1864 permitted Sheridan to retake most of the material captured in the morning by Early.

Marker is on Valley Pike (U.S. 11), on the right when traveling north.

Courtesy ...

The Battle of Cedar Creek

Fought on these hills and fields, Oct 19, 1864. Gen. Jubal A. Early's 22,000 Confederates attacked Gen. Philip H. Sheridan's 60,000 Federals. The first assault a surprise flank movement by Gen. John B. Gordon, was a Confederate success. This advantage ...

Origin of Cedar Creek / Mills on the Creek

(Double Sided Marker)

Origin of Cedar Creek

Dropping approximately eighty feet in two and half miles, Cedar Creek’s falling water power provided enough energy to drive Cedarburg’s many mills for over one hundred years. The creek rises from big and Little Cedar ...
