
Results for Confederate Cemetery

Confederate Mound at Oak Woods Cemetery

Oak Woods Cemetery is home to Confederate Mound, the largest Confederate burial ground in the northern United States. The Confederate soldiers interred here were imprisoned and died at Camp Douglas, a Civil War prison camp located in what is now ...

Groveton Confederate Cemetery

Neither side had anticipated the war's cost in blood. After the fighting at Manassas, burial details dug shallow graves where soldiers had fallen. There was little time for ceremony. Crude wooden headboards sometimes noted the soldier's name and regiment. Many ...

Confederate Soldiers Buried in this Cemetery

[ Front Plaque ]

Erected by The United States to mark the burial place of eleven Confederate Soldiers who, while prisoners of war, died at Terre Haute and were buried in this cemetery, where the individual graves cannot now be identified.

[ ...

Confederate Cemetery

Dedicated by the Ladies Memorial Association of Manassas, on August 30, 1889, to the heroes of Virginia and her sister states, who yielded their lives on July 18 & 21, 1861 & August 28, 29 & 30, 1862, in defense ...

Confederate Cemetery


Burial of Confederates killed in a railroad collision, September, 1863, on land given by Mrs. Jane Glover, established this cemetery. Later more land was given by Ann Moyer and others, and the [CS] dead here from Marietta hospitals and the ...

Confederate Cemetery

Here are buried 155 soldiers of the Army of Tennessee who died in hospitals during the mobilization for Bragg's Kentucky campaign of Sept. - Oct., 1862. Their graves, formerly distinguished by wooden markers giving name, rank and organization, are now ...

Huguenot Springs Confederate Cemetery

Approximately 250 unidentified Confederate soldiers, who died at nearby Huguenot Springs Confederate Hospital, are buried in unmarked graves about a mile and a half southwest of here. Burial records have never been located. The former Huguenot Springs Hotel Resort/Spa, opened ...

Confederate Cemetery


Stonewall Cemetery is located on part of a plot given as a burial site by Gen. Lewis Lawrence Griffin when he founded Griffin in 1840. Several hundred Confederate and one Union soldier, casualties of the Battles of Atlanta and Jonesboro, ...

Elmwood Cemetery Confederate Soldiers

J Baker • Samuel Hill • J C Schroeder

William Barefoot • W D Hutto • Sindal

Joseph Burns • R Johnson • A Smith

F Butler • P P Killebrew • J Smith

R Campbell • D F McFarland • Scott Nimrod ...

Confederate Cemetery

3,000 Confederate dead from every southern state are buried in this cemetery. First established for [CS] soldiers killed in a railroad collision in 1863, it became the resting place for dead from nearby battlefields. In 1866, under the direction of ...
