
Results for Confederate Line

Federal, Confederate Lines, June 22, 27, 1864.

One-half mi. S., at the road - fork, is SIGNAL HILL, where Sherman observed the assault on Cheatham Hill by troops of the 4th & 14th Corps [US], June 27.

The John Ward Road -- left turn at the fork -- ...

Intermediate Line of Confederate Defenses

This cannon marks the intermediate line of

Confederate defenses of Richmond

1862 - 1865

Placed here in 1958 by the

Confederate Memorial Literary Society

in memory of

Alexander Wilbourne Weddell

Marker can be reached from the intersection of Clovelly Road and Canterbury Road.


Confederate Lines

The earthworks nearby are remains of the 1861 fortifications built to defend Mount Pleasant. They extended east 2.5 miles from Butler’s Creek at Boone Hall Plantation to Fort Palmetto on Hamlin Sound. Supporting this line were Battery Gary and those ...

The Confederate Line

You are now standing beside the Sunken Road, part of a heavily used 19th-century road system that linked Washington, D.C. and Richmond. In 1862, Confederate riflemen fired from the road upon line after line of Union troops advancing across open ...

Second Line of the Confederate Defenses

This cannon

marks the location of

the Second Line of the

Confederate Defenses of Richmond

Placed in 1938 by the City of Richmond

at the request of the

Confederate Memorial Literary Society

Marker is on Monument Avenue 0.1 miles west of Roseneath Road, in the median.

Courtesy ...

Assaulting the Confederate Battle Line

"The men pressed forward, holding their fire with wonderful self control till they were in plain site of the enemy almost face to face."

As the Federal troops realigned themselves after the creek crossing, and because of the shorter distance General ...

Confederate First Line

Gen. W. B. Taliaferro’s

division occupied

trenches crossing the

road at this point,

March 15-16, 1865.

Marker is on Burnett Road (North Carolina Route 82), on the left when traveling south.


Confederate Second Line

On the morning of March

16, 1865, Taliaferro’s

division fell back

to earthworks which

crossed the road here.

Marker is at the intersection of Bryant Road (North Carolina Route 82) and W Thornton Road (North Carolina Route 1783), on the left when traveling south on ...

Confederate Line of March

“ … on this wretched road … ”

(Preface): The Carolinas Campaign began on February 1, 1865, when Union Gen. William T. Sherman led his army north from Savannah, Georgia, after the “March to the Sea.” Sherman's objective was to join ...

Main Confederate Line

Crossed the road at

this point, March 20-

21. Gen. R. F. Hoke’s

Division occupied this

sector. Scene of much

skirmishing but no

heavy fighting. Earth-

works remain.

Marker is on Devils Racetrack Road (Local Route 1009), on the right when traveling north.

