
Results for Delaware

The Delaware and Hudson Canal


The Rondout Creek at this site provided the tidewater terminal for the D and H Canal, a constructed water-way of 108 miles, completed in 1828. Starting at Honesdale, Pennsylvania, hundreds of flat canal boats carried millions of tons of ...

Delaware Street Wharf Reconstruction

Nov. 1982 - May 1983

The original landing was started during the 17th century of stone filled wood cribs, being enlarged several times. The city acquired ownership from the New Castle Frenchtown Railroad Co. in 1914, and rebuilt the wharf with ...

National Historic Landmark -Delaware and Hudson Canal

National Historic Landmark -Delaware and Hudson Canal

Principal waterway connecting the coalfields of Pennsylvania with the furnaces of New York. The growth of railroads led to the canal's demise after 1899

Courtesy National Park Service National Historical Landmarks

Delaware Indian Burials

Delaware Stockbridge Munsee

Tribe of Indians Band of Mohican Indians

Delaware Nation

Delaware Indian Burials

Uncovered on Ellis and Liberty Islands

Re-interred May 1, 2003


Delaware and Hudson Canal


Delaware and Hudson Canal

has been designated a

Registered National

Historic Landmark

Under the provisions of the Historic Sites Act of August 21, 1935 this site possesses exceptional value in commemorating or illustrating the history of the United States


Delaware Technical and Community College

Site of the first community college in the State of

Delaware. Formerly William C. Jason High School,

this college was created by the Delaware General

Assembly in 1966 and opened the doors to students

in September 1967. Because of its ...

Battles and Engagements of the Delaware Regiment

Battles around New York City and Environs, 1776-1779

1. Long Island, August 27, 1776

2. Throg's Neck, October 12-18, 1776

3. Mamaroneck Raid, October 22, 1776

4. White Plains, October 28, 1776

5. Retreat across New Jersey, November-December 1776

6. Trenton, December 26, 1776

7. Staten ...

The Delaware House

N. Main & Mt. Vernon Street

c. 1817

National Register of Historic Places of the Smyrna

Historic District

Marker can be reached from N. Main Street.


Geographic Center of Delaware

In 1989, a curious seventh grader from the Caesar Rodney School District asked where the center of Delaware was located. With the help of his teacher and the Kent County Department of Planning, it was determined that the geographic center ...

Delaware Breakwater Quarantine Station


Many of the European immigrants who came to this country at the end of the nineteenth century brought with them a variety of epidemic diseases including cholera, typhus, smallpox and bubonic plague. This posed a serious threat to urban areas ...
