
Results for Field of Battle

The Battlefield of Stoney Creek

The Battlefield of Stoney Creek

6th June 1813

In memory of 20 good and true King's Men who,

in fighting in defence of their country, died

and were buried on this knoll.

This revised inscription and stone re-dedicated

June 6th 1956


Her Majesty's Army & Navy Veteran's ...

Battle of Moorefield

Where the Fighting Started

The Confederate cavalry brigade of Gen. Bradley

T. Johnson bivouacked in the fields to your left

on August 7, 1864. Willow Wall (built ca. 1830), visible to your left down the road, was Johnson’s headquarters. Johnson’s brigade and that ...

Field of Battle

This photograph, taken from the heights to your right-rear, shows the landscape in front of you as it appeared the year after the Battle of Fredericksburg. The town of Fredericksburg sits atop the ridge in the distance; the spire of ...

Clara Barton, Angel of the Battlefield at Home

Civil War to Civil Rights

“I have paid the rent of a room in Washington ... retaining it merely as a shelter to which I might return when my strength should fail me under exposure and labor at the field.” Clara ...

Battle of Springfield

This point marks the farthest advance of the Confederates into the city. After finally routing the 72nd Enrolled Missouri Militia, Confederates were forming along Walnut Street for the final assault into the city when drums along Jordan Creek to the ...

Battle of Springfield

At this site during the Battle of Springfield on June 23, 1780, the Americans, consisting of Continental Dragoons and the militia of this and surrounding neighborhoods, under Colonel “Light Horse” Harry Lee, Colonel Matthias Ogden, and Captain George Walker, encountered ...

The Battle of Springfield

Their deeds enriched

and glorified our nation.

This gate is dedicated

in commemoration of

the heroic service performed at

The Battle of Springfield

during the war for

American Independence

by the soldiers whose remains are

resting within this sacred tract.

Tribute of the New Jersey Society

Sons of the American Revolution

on ...

Battle of Springfield

Here, June 23, 1780, 1500 Americans under Greene and Dayton, were attacked by 5000 British and Hessians under Clinton and Knyphausen enroute to capture stores at Morristown. The British burned Springfield, but were defeated.

Marker is on Morris Avenue, on the ...

Dead of the North Anna Battlefield

This monument honors all the valiant men who lost their lives on the battlefields of the North Anna

May 23-26, 1864

“No more shall the war cry sever,

or the winding rivers be red;

They banish our anger forever

when they laurel the graves of ...

Swift Creek Battlefield: A Landscape of Change

The Bermuda Hundred Campaign began on May 5, 1864, when Union General Benjamin Butler and the 33,000-man Army of the James landed at Bermuda Hundred nine miles northeast of here. General Butler's westward advance threatened Drewry's Bluff and Richmond to ...
