
Results for George Washington

General George Washington during the Siege of Boston

George Washington (1732-1799), the first President of the United States, was the first Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army. General Washington had never led an army before and even recognized he had little experience leading larger groups of soldiers. The majority ...

George Washington Lamb and Maria Bailey


Maria Bailey and her sister Harriet were amongst the first students to attend the American School for the Deaf when it opened in 1817.  Even though they were already adults, at 20 and 18 years old respectively, they left ...

George Washington Memorial Parkway

Mount Vernon Memorial Highway, the first section of the George Washington Memorial Parkway, opened in 1932, the bicentennial of the birth of the man who shaped the nation as peerless leader in the War for Independence, chairman of the ...

George Washington Birthplace National Monument

By the time of George Washington’s birth in 1732 on the marshy shores of Popes Creek, his family had been on the land between Mattox and Popes Creek for three quarters of a century. The George Washington Birthplace National ...

George Washington Memorial Parkway

Mount Vernon Memorial Highway, the first section of the George Washington Memorial Parkway, opened in 1932, the bicentennial of the birth of the man who shaped the nation as peerless leader in the War for Independence, chairman of the Constitutional ...

George Washington's Birthplace

By the time of George Washington’s birth in 1732 on the marshy shores of Popes Creek, his family had been on the land between Mattox and Popes Creek for three quarters of a century. The George Washington Birthplace National Monument ...

George Washington Elm Tree

Washington first took command of the American Army under the Grandparent of this Elm at Cambridge, Mass.

July 3, 1775.


Raised and presented by Maryland D.A.R., marked by Oklahoma D.A.R.,

This tree is planted as part of the 200th Anniversary of the Birth ...

To Honor George Washington

Who Lodged Here May 17-18, 1791.

The game is yet in our own hands; to play it well is all we have to do – nothing but harmony, honesty, industry and frugality are necessary to make us a great and happy ...

George Washington Hitt


“An unforgettable personality whose courage shone with such crystal brilliance as to brighten the world about him and uplift the spirits of those even more fortunate, but not fashioned of such heroic fibre. His is a name to remember when ...

Bicentennial of the Birth of George Washington

To Inspire Patriotism

and Loyalty

and to commemorate the

Bicentennial of the Birth

of George Washington

[Erected] February 1932

Marker is on Alumni Drive, on the right when traveling north.

