
Results for Korean War Memorial

Korean War Liberty Tree Memorial

In memory of the

men, women & POW-MIA

who fought in the

Korean War

1950 - 1953

Dedicated November 11, 2003

Marker is on Summit Street (U.S. 77) north of Maple Avenue when traveling north.


World War I and II and Korean Conflict Memorial

In honor of the men and women of Thompson who served their country in two World Wars

(List of people that served)

Korean Conflict

(List of people that served)

Marker is at the intersection of County Route 113 and Post ...

Kansas Korean War Memorial

1950 - 1953

This memorial is dedicated as a lasting tribute to all the service men and women of the United States Armed Forces from the State of Kansas and in memory of those who made the supreme sacrifice with their ...

Richmond County Korean War Memorial

In Memory of the men and women from Richmond County who lost their lives in the Korean War

God Bless You

All Gave Some Some Gave All

Marker is on Caroline Street, on the left when traveling south.


Korean War Memorial

In memory and honor

of the men and women

dead and living

who served the United States

in the Korean War


Northeast Kansas Korean War Memorial

Freedom Is Not Free

[Honor Roll of Names by County]

The Korean War 1950-1953

[Map and Chronology]

Freedom's Flag

It is the Soldier, not the Reporter,

who has given us Freedom of the Press.

It is the Soldier, not the Poet,

who has given us Freedom of Speech.

It ...

Orange Korean War Memorial

“We shall pay any price,

bear any burden, meet

any hardship, support

any friend, oppose

any foe to assure

the survival of Liberty.”

John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Korean War

1950 – 1955

Marker is at the intersection of Main Street and Hickory Street, on the right when traveling east ...

Korean War Memorial - - Vigo County Indiana

[ Front ]

Korean War

Killed in Action


Vigo County

[ Obverse ]

Charles G. Abrell • Herbert D. Akers • William Bellinger • Joseph A. Bray • Norwood C. Cooper • John H. Cowger • William Cunningham • Charles E. Drake • William B. ...

Shelby County Korean Conflict / Vietnam War Memorial

They Rest In Honored Glory

In commemoration of those of

Shelby County

who for freedom's sake gave their

last full measure of devotion

Korean Conflict

Blackford, Forest W. • Cicur, Jr., John T.

Eidemiller, Harold H. • Fogt, Kale D.

Fogt, Lloyd O. • Geuy, George D.

Hetzler, Thurman ...

Monroe County Korean & Vietnam War Memorial

(Center):In honor and memory

of those who gave their

lives and those who served

their country.

Dedicated by the

Grateful People of

Monroe County.

Erected 1998.


1950 - 1955

2LT. Stuart M. Blazer, 1927 - Oct. 14, 1952

PVT. ...
