
Results for Railroads

Steamboats and Railroads

Lincoln traveled to Quincy by stagecoach in 1854 after crossing the Illinois River at Naples. Lincoln's first documented visit was to support the Congressional candidacy of Archibald Williams and to attack the Kansas- Nebraska Act and its author, Stephen A. ...

Gainesville's Railroads / Past Railroads of Gainesville

Gainesville's Railroads

The coming of the Florida Railroad opened up the interior of Florida for both settlement and trading and helped establish Gainesville. On February 1, 1859 the Florida Railroad entered town and connected Fernandina Beach with Cedar Key by ...

Gainesville's Railroads

The coming of the Florida Railroad opened up the interior of Florida for both settlement and trading and helped establish Gainesville. On February 1, 1859 the Florida Railroad entered town and connected Fernandina Beach with Cedar Key by 1861. Built ...


Trains clanking along iron rails have echoed through Virginius Island since the Winchester & Potomac Railroad arrived here in 1836. It extended from the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad junction at Harpers Ferry 32 miles southward to Winchester. The W&P line ...

Early Roads / One of the South's First Railroads 1832

Side A

Tennessee Street along the north side of the square was originally part of Gaines’ Trace, a horse path laid out in 1807 under the direction of Capt. Edmund Pendleton Gaines of the U. S. Army. From Melton’s Bluff on ...

Machinery from early East Texas Logging Railroads

Steam locomotive and tender No. 3 were bought 1908 by Carter-Kelley Lumber Co., for use in building a sawmill at Manning(about 18 mi. south); then in railroad building, logging, and passenger and freight hauling schedules.

The 1906 wood-burning steam loader ...

Control the Rivers and Railroads

During the Civil War rivers and railroads routinely carried soldiers, material, and food to keep the war effort going. The Tennessee and Cumberland rivers were the main arteries that carried the economic lifeblood to the heart of middle Tennessee. Most ...

Railroads: Union Pacific & Burlington Northern


Railroads played a key role in the development of the Heritage Highway corridor. Trains brought settlers and goods west to the new towns and took farm products back to market. As times have changed and transportation has evolved, many ...

The Birth Place of the Railroads

“The Docks” area is significant in that California’s first railroad began here. Railroads have directly influenced the development of the southern waterfront for more than 100 years. The Sacramento Valley Rail Road, the pioneer steam line in California, was built ...

Working Men of the Railroads

The backbreaking work building railroads to the West was accomplished by men, like Thomas W. Haverty from Galway, Ireland. Wielding hammers and driving spikes their labor united a country and made Atchison "The Rail Centre of Kansas" beginning with the ...
