
Results for The Cannon

The Copperopolis Bell and Cannon

[Displayed at the Copperopolis Elementary School are a bell and a cannon along with their accompanying markers:]

The Bell

This bell cast in 1860, the first school in Copperopolis in 1862. The bell yoke shows repair, break probably from school fire of ...

The Athens Double-Barrelled Cannon

This cannon, the only known one of its kind, was designed by Mr. John Gilleland, a private in the “Mitchell Thunderbolts,” an elite “home guard” unit of business and professional men ineligible because of age or disability for service in ...

The Atomic Cannon

Model. M65 280 m.m.

Weight. 42,500 lbs.

Length. 42 feet

(1) One of only (3) three in existence, the other two are located at Ft. Sill, Oklahoma and the U.S. Army Ordinance Center in Aberdeen, Maryland. It was placed in service November 17, ...

The Bastion Cannons

Bastion Square

You are standing at the entrance to Bastion Square

Bastion Square is a legacy of Fort Victoria whose two log towers or “Bastions” were located near here.

The Hudson’s Bay Company, which remains as a store across the street, built the ...

The Two Cannons


The two cannons displayed in front of the Powder Magazine are Revolutionary-War era pieces that were found in the Charleston area. Referred to as field guns, the weapons would have been mounted on wheeled carriages for greater mobility.

Each ...

Defending the Cannon

5th Maine Battery

Picture Longstreet's advance - gray lines of Confederates as far as you can see, driving Ohio troops from the rail fence across the field toward this position. Here four gun crews from Maine were trying to load and ...

These Cannon Were Abandoned

These cannon

were abandoned


Fort Independence

(Castle William)

by the

British forces

when they evacuated


City of Boston

March 17, 1776

Marker is on Garden Street, on the right when traveling west.


Cannon from the U.S.S. Constitution

This Cannon from The

U.S.S. Constitution

"Old Ironsides" Was

Presented to the Sandy

Bay Historical Society

By Descendants of The

First Settler, Richard

Tarr, and Dedicated

August 20, 1931

Marker can be reached from the intersection of Mt. Pleasant Street (Massachusetts Route 127A) and Broadway, on the right when ...

The Cannon Gate

In this vicinity was the original entrance to the 'Picatinny Powder Depot.' In 1885, five years after this post's establishment, Major J.P. Farley, the second Commander (1883-87) had erected these wrought iron gates constructed around Columbiads, coastal defense guns. This ...

Save the Cannon!

March 7, 1862 - Mid-Morning

Like maddened hornets, Confederate infantrymen boiled out of Morgan's Woods, crossed Leetown Road, and swarmed toward the six Federal cannon that had unlimbered in this corner of Oberson's cornfield. Captain William Black stood in front of ...
