
Results for Underground Railroad

Salvadoran Underground Railroad

The Wellington Avenue Church of Christ was part of the Sanctuary Movement, an effort by religious institutions to help Salvadoran refugees who entered the U.S. illegally between the 1970s and early 1990s to escape Civil War.

Salvadorans ...

The Crossing at Scioto County / The Underground Railroad

Historic Underground Railroad Site

The Crossing at Scioto County (front)

The Ohio River was a formidable obstacle for escaping slaves. Many runaways from Kentucky were aided by James Poindexter, an African-American barber and local resident, who picked up fugitives in Kentucky and ...

The Underground Railroad in Pike County

Historic Underground Railroad Site

An Elm Grove abolitionist maintained a lonely Underground Railroad station where he provided safety for escaping enslaved persons. These fugitives were attempting to travel the unfriendly route from Houston Hollow in Scioto County to safe places in ...

Humboldt Underground Railroad

On the East Bank [of the Neosho River], escaped slaves traveled through caves and tunnels to secret Underground Railroad stations.

Marker is on 1st Street, on the left when traveling north.


The Underground Railroad in West Milton

Side A:

In the year 1798, several prospectors traveled north from their North Carolina homes in search of new lands for themselves and their friends. Four of these known Quaker prospectors were John Mast, Jr., Martin Davenport and David Hoover ...

Underground Railroad Route

1830 - 1860

Verity Pkw. once Miami-Erie Canal

an Underground Railroad route

1830 - 1860

Those traveling along Underground

Railroad found safe stations

in N. Main St. homes of


listed on other side

Rice • Hawkins • Colston

Burget • Miller • Hardy

Edwards • Nutter • Davis

Smith • Robison ...

The Underground Railroad in Lincoln's Neighborhood

The Underground Railroad refers to the efforts of enslaved African Americans to gain their freedom by escaping bondage. Acts of self-emancipation made runaways "fugitives" according to the laws of the time. While most began and completed their journeys unassisted, each ...

The Underground Railroad in Hancock County

Side A:

The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 prompted an expansion of the "Underground Railroad," and as the state spanning the shortest distance between the Ohio River and Canada, Ohio saw heavy traffic in escaping slaves in the decades before the ...

Historic Underground Railroad

At this crossroads stood the home of the Edward Hesdra Family. This home is believed to have been a link in the underground slave railway, c1855.

Marker is at the intersection of Main Street (New York Route 59) and South ...

The Underground Railroad

1850 - - 1865

In memory of Fulton County Citizens who harbored fugitive slaves on their way to freedom in Canada. In Indiana, the underground railroad began along the Ohio River in 1850. After the Fugitive Slave Law was passed ...
