
Results for WB

Catawba Sanatorium

This institution, one mile northeast, stands on the site of the old Roanoke Red Sulpher Springs, which by 1859 was a noted summer resort. The Sanatorium was established by the General Assembly of Virginia in 1908 for the treatment of ...

Newberry Springs

The history of Newberry Springs can be traced back more than 20,000 years. Digs at the Early Man Site north of here discovered tools dating prior to 20,000 BC. At that time, much of the land was covered by the ...

Newberry Village Cemetery

This cemetery dates from 1809, 23 years before Newberry’s incorporation in 1832. George McCreless donated an acre here for a village cemetery, and his brother Lewis was the first person buried in it. The Town Council bought another acre from ...

City of Newberry Historic District

The discovery of hard rock phosphate in Alachua County in 1889 sparked the appearance of boom towns wherever large deposits of the mineral were found. Incorporated in 1894, Newberry thrived until 1914 when the onset of World War I forced ...

National Historic Landmark -W.P. SNYDER, JR. (Towboat)

National Historic Landmark -W.P. SNYDER, JR. (Towboat)

Towboats have been employed moving barges on all the navigable waters of the Western Rivers, and have been an important component of the American transportation system since the 1850s.

Few examples of any paddlewheel ...

National Historic Landmark-Majestic Showboat

National Historic Landmark- Majestic Showboat

Built in 1923, Majestic is one of two showboats to survive, the other being Goldenrod.

Perhaps the most extraordinary American adaptation of barges, more than 50 showboats carried circuses and dramatic productions to large and small ...

National Historic Landmark - Dutch Reformed Church, Newburgh

National Historic Landmark - Dutch Reformed Church, Newburgh

The Dutch Reformed Church is nationally significant as an outstanding, largely intact Greek Revival style church designed by Alexander Jackson Davis, one of the style's foremost practitioners.

Begun in 1835 and completed in ...

Newburgh Colored Burial Ground

The Newburgh Colored Burial Ground is located on land which today forms the grounds of the City Courthouse in Newburgh, New York.

Recent excavation work and mapping of the cemetery has helped in large measure to establish its boundaries and ...


Strawberry Flat House, established about 1853 and named after the wild strawberry plants that grew at the Lair of the Golden Bear, the main stopping place on the Mono Road to accomodate [sic] the travelers over the new route. Across ...

Strawberry Capital of the World

In the early 1940's, Paducah-McCracken County was known as the strawberry capital of the world. Schools excused students to pick berries. Entire families were involved in this agricultural event. Freight cars carried thousands of crates of berries were shipped from ...
