
Results for World War II Memorial

World War II Memorial Trees

These Trees

Have Been Dedicated to the

Memory of Our Men of the

Town of Sheffield, Who Gave

Their Lives in World War II

Lieut Herbert W. Small • A/C Paul C. Hogan • Sgt. Robert A. Goeway Jr. • Milton C. McGarry S 2/C ...

Crown Zellerbach Employee World War II Memorial

In honor of the employees from this division who gave their lives while serving in the armed forces during World War II.

Curtin P Barnett • James F Hagensen • Thelma A Rancore • Jimmie Clark Berg • Wayne A Harwood ...

World War I and II and Korean Conflict Memorial

In honor of the men and women of Thompson who served their country in two World Wars

(List of people that served)

Korean Conflict

(List of people that served)

Marker is at the intersection of County Route 113 and Post ...

Iredell County World War II Memorial

To Honor and Remember Those of Iredell County Who Gave Their Lives in World War II

Jay Edgar Alley

William F. Anthony, Jr.

Thomas B. Arthur

Herbert Richard Baker

Herman Bostian Ballard

Charles Stephen Beck

William M. Beckham

William Grier Belk ...

World War II, Korea, and Vietnam Era Veterans Memorial

[Honor Roll of Veterans]

[not transcribed]

In grateful memory of

Major Lyle Brooks

Sargeant [sic] Miles Robert Gregoire

Private Wayne Elkins

Private Stephen Gray

who died in the service of our country

in Viet Nam

Presented as a testimonial of faithful service

Marker is on Post Road (U.S. 1), on ...

Newry World War II Memorial

To the Men and

Women of the Armed

Forces Whose

Unselfish Service

Preserving the Peace

of this Nation - This

Memorial is Humbly Dedicated

Marker is at the intersection of Broadway Street (State Road s37-203) and Palmetto Avenue, on the left when traveling east on Broadway Street. ...

Second Baptist Church World War II Memorial

In Honor and Memory

Of the Members of the Second Baptist Church who served in

World War II

Herman A Arrowood - Fred A Johnson

Willard W. Batson - J.Clyde Jones

R.Douglas Bishop - Glover Y.Jones

Hubert E.Bishop - Ray F.Jones

Charles R.Brown. Jr. - Roy F.Jones

Lee ...

Emporia High School World War II Memorial

[Roll of Honored Dead]

Class of 1938

Glen P. Austin, Jr. • Carl F. Hancock • George W. Gibson, Jr. • Harold E. McCanis

Class of 1939

Dean Class • Vernon Hiatt, Jr. • Dale E. Fillmore • Joseph R. Sheen, Jr. • Jim ...

Chester County World War II Veterans Memorial

Chester County Remembers World War II Veterans

Community Commemorative Committee of Chester County

(1991 – 1995)

November 11, 1995

Marker is on West Market Street just west of High Street, on the left when traveling east.


Orange World War II Memorial

Dedicated to the sacred

memory of the valiant

men and women of Orange

who made the supreme

sacrifice in the defense

of their country

World War II

1941 – 1946

Marker is at the intersection of Main Street and Hickory Street, on the right when traveling east on ...
