
Results for Art

Montrose and Dumbarton Parks

Montrose Park occupies land that belonged to ropemaking magnate Robert Parrott during the early 19th century. Parrott generously allowed Georgetown residents to use his tract of land for picnics and meetings. The area became known as Parrott's Woods and by ...

Lockefield Gardens Apartments

Lockefield Gardens Apartments was one of the first group of peace time projects initiated, funded, and supervised by the Federal Government as part of the recovery programs of the New Deal. Completed in 1937, the apartments are innovative in design, ...

Palmer Park Apartment Building Historic District

The Palmer Park Apartment Building Historic District is Detroit's most outstanding community of multi-family housing units. Adjacent to the wooded area of Palmer Park, the Palmer Park Apartment Building Historic District incorporates a suburban concept of living in an urban ...

Martin Luther King, Jr., National Historic Site

This traditionally black neighborhood of several blocks in Atlanta includes Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birth home, the Ebenezer Baptist Church where he was a pastor, and his gravesite. Martin Luther King, Jr., was the nation's most prominent leader in the ...

Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

The Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is not only important for its unusually innovative revival architecture and the artistry of its stained glass windows and wall paintings, but also for its role as a religious and educational center ...

Crescent Apartments

Built in 1899 for Cornelius Sheehan, member of a prominent Atlanta family and owner of Greer's Almanac, this house was moved in 1913 and converted into 10 apartments. Margaret Mitchell, author of Gone With the Wind, lived in the ground ...

Old Bartow County Courthouse

Circa 1873

Has been placed on the

National Register of Historic Places

By the United States Department of the Interior

Marker is at the intersection of East Church Street and North Museum Drive, on the right when traveling west on East Church Street.

Courtesy ...

Martha's Hideaway

American Beach, founded in 1935, was a renowned beach for Blacks during the segregation era when African Americans could not go to public beaches. In the early development of American Beach, a few private homes were built, including one hidden ...

Donner Party Camp at Alder Creek Valley / Tamsen and Elizabeth D

Donner Party Camp at Alder Creek Valley

In the Fall of 1846, 25 Members of The Donner Party became Trapped by an Early Snowstorm here at Alder Creek Valley. The George and Jacob Donner Families, their Teamsters, and Fellow Travelers ...

Les Remparts

[The Ramparts]

Capestang a connu plusieurs enceintes successives pour accompangner sa croissance durant le Bas Moyen Age. Ce vestige appartient à la dernière, construite à la demande de l’archevêque de Narbonne en 1356, en pleine guerre de Cent Ans. L’année précédente, ...
