
Results for Cannon

Model 1841 6-pounder Field Cannon

Smallest caliber cannon used in the War Between the States. Several of these were used as secondary armament in Fort Macon during 1834-1861 to defend vulnerable areas against assaults.

Weight of Bronze Barrel ........887 Pounds

Weight of Gun Carriage .........900 Pounds

Weight of ...

Concannon Vineyards

Here, in 1883, James Concannon founded the Concannon Vineyard. The quality it achieved in Sacramental and commercial wines helped establish Livermore Valley as one of America’s select wine growing districts. Grape cuttings from this vineyard were introduced to Mexico between ...

The Dewey Cannon

This cannon, captured in the Spanish-American War by Admiral Dewey, was presented to Three Oaks when its citizens raised $1,400 for a memorial to the men of the battleship Maine. This was the largest contribution, per capita, of any community ...

DAR Memorial Cannon

The Berryman Green Chapter,

Daughters of the American

Revolution donated this

memorial cannon in memory

of Halifax County patriots

who aided Gen. Nathanael

Greene's army in crossing

the swollen waters of the

Dan, February 14, 1781,

a decisive factor in the


Dedicated May 10, 1977

Marker is at the intersection of ...

Casemates and Cannon

Load ... Ready ... Fire! A disciplined crew of five men could fire an accurate shot in less than one minute. Teamwork and timing during battle were essential to the crew of this 42-pounder smoothbore cannon, one of 27 guns ...

Joseph G. Cannon

Member of Congress for 46 years from Illinois, Speaker of the House, 1903-11. His birthplace stood 1 1/2 miles southwest.

Marker is at the intersection of Battleground Avenue (U.S. 220) and New Garden Road on Battleground Avenue.


Spanish American War Veterans Gave Their Cannon

In appreciation

of the

Spanish American War Veterans

who gave their cannon from

this Site for World War II

Harry Bohannon Post

No. 75 American Legion

installs and dedicates this field

piece in their honor.

Marker is at the intersection of South Market Street and West Franklin Street, on ...

32 Pounder Naval Cannon

Taken in June 1861 when the Navy Yard at Norfolk was abandoned by the United States

Banded and Condverted at Richmond into a 6 inch rifle mounted at Fort Caswell North Carolina

Dismounted by exploding magazines when the Confederates evacuated that fort ...

Civil War Cannons

24 pdr. Flank Howitzer - Model 1844 - Cast 1864

Maker; Fort Pitt Foundry, Pittsburgh, PA.

Used on Casement Flank of fortifications to protect against infantry assults [sic].

Range; 1322 yds. at 5 degree Elevation.

Bore Dia; 5.82”


The Civil War Cannons

To celebrate the new Courthouse in 1883, Col. W.L. Curry, Curry Cadets, led the Union County Chapter of the Grand Army of the Republic pictured above, in obtaining two cannons used in battle to commemorate the service of our county ...
