
Results for Erie

The Freestone Fisheries

The Freestone Fisheries played an important role in Leesylvania’s past. Their successful operation, given the plentiful numbers of fish in the Potomac, provided a significant income to the successive proprietors of the Leesylvania estate. The Lee family conducted business in ...

The Miami and Erie Canal

The Miami and Erie Canal

———— • ————

Over this site once flowed the Miami and

Erie Canal, linking the Ohio River with the

Maumee and Lake Erie. The canal was opened

in 1827 and was finally drained in 1920.


To Commemorate The Wabash and Erie Canal

Which Operated 1841 - - 1872

Between Toledo, Ohio, and Evansville, Indiana.

And which, through Lafayette

paralleled the Wabash River,

crossing Main Street at

the East end of the bridge.

Marker is on Main Street west of North 4th Street, on the left when ...

Erie Heritage

Parade Street Memorial

Erie Heritage

Parade Street Memorial


This site created

To honor

Erie’s birthplace

By the

Greater Erie

Bicentennial Commission

Marker is at the intersection of East Front Street and Parade Street, on the right when traveling east on East Front Street.


The Willoughby University of Lake Erie Medical College 1834-1847

Willoughby Female Seminary 1847-1856

Side A: The Willoughby University of Lake Erie, Medical College, 1834-1847

The village of Chagrin, founded in 1798, changed its name in 1834 to honor Dr. Westel Willoughby, a pioneer medical educator. That same year, the Willoughby University ...

Mad River and Lake Erie Railroad

Champaign County residents James [sic-Joseph] Vance (1786-1852) and John H. James (1800-1881) were among the Mad River and Lake Erie Railroad's first officers, serving as president and treasurer, respectively. Vance emerged as a leader in the War of 1812 and, ...

Mad River and Lake Erie Railroad

The Mad River and Lake Erie Railroad Company was chartered by the State of Ohio in January 1832 to connect west central Ohio with northern Ohio and Lake Erie. It was the first company to be incorporated for railroad purposes ...

The Packeries of Rockport

After the Civil War, Rockport became an important cattle ranching and shipping center. In 1866, James Doughty, T.H. Mathis, and John M. Mathis constructed cattle pens, with a long wharf that extended out into Aransas Bay from “Rocky Point” (the ...

The Temperance Movement Battled Madison's Breweries

The Madison Heritage Series

Owning a State Street beer establishment wasn’t easy in the early 1900s. As the temperance movement gathered momentum throughout the country, increasing numbers of Americans wanted alcohol consumption outlawed.

Founded in 1863, Hausmann’s Capital Brewery flourished on the ...

Ohio and Erie Canal Lock 22

The Ohio and Erie Canal Lock 22, constructed from 1830-1831, is the only canal lock in Groveport. Constructed by W.H. Richardson as part of his $2,937 bid to build section 52 of the canal, the sandstone lock is 117 feet ...
