
Results for Headquarters

CCC Headquarters

One of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal programs, the Civilian Conservation Corps hired unemployed young men during the Great Depression. The CCC provided training to men between the ages of 18 and 25 for work on conservation projects including tree ...

ANV Headquarters

On this spot were established the headquarters of the Army of Northern Virginia, General Robert E. Lee, C.S.A, commanding, from April 8th to April 11th, 1865.

Marker can be reached from Old Courthouse Road (Virginia Route 24), on the left when ...

Morgan's Headquarters

To a house which stood nearby, belonging to Dr. J. B. Armstrong, Brigadier General John Hunt Morgan brought his bride, the former Martha Ready, of Murfreesboro, when establishing his cavalry command in this area. The house served as his headquarters ...

Gen. Leonidas Polk's Headquarters

The William Neal McKelvey residence - 1864. A Council of War held here May 19, discussed the advisability of holding the position E. & S. of Cassville by the Confederate army. Present were: Gen. Joseph E. Johnston; Lt. Gen. Polk; ...

Headquarters of Opechancanough

Near here stood the town of Menmend, home of the paramount chief Opechancanough. During Powhatan's reign, Opechancanough was a king of the Pamunkey and a war chief of the Powhatans. He became paramount chief about 1629 when his brother Opitchipam ...

Headquarters General U. S. Grant

Night of April 6, 1862.

General in his Memoirs says:

"During the night rain fell in torrents and our troops

were exposed without shelter. I made my headquarters under a tree a few hundred yards from the river bank."

The large ...

Washington’s Headquarters

On June 8, 1780 General

George Washington

established Headquarters

at this site in

Connecticut Farms (now

Union Township) after the

British and Hessian

army’s retreat of June 7.

Marker is on Stuyvesant Avenue (County Route 619), on the right when traveling south.


Highway Headquarters

General Robert E. Lee and his staff planned one of America's greatest battles at this site. Almost a century later the site began offering overnight accommodations to travelers coming to pay homage to their heroes.

Gutted by fire in 1896, the ...

General Shaver's Headquarters

During the Battle of

Prairie Grove

Gen. Robt. G. Shaver

established his head-

quarters under

this tree

Dec. 7, 1862

This spot marked by


June 20, 1932.

Marker is at the intersection of South Battlefield Park Road (County Route 80) and East Douglas Street (U.S. 62), on the right ...

Headquarters of the Army of Northern Virginia


In this field was located

headquarters of the Army of

Northern Virginia

July 1. 2. 3. 4. 1863

"My headquarters were in tents in an

apple orchard back of the Seminary

along the Chambersburg Pike"

Robt. E. Lee

Marker is on Chambersburg Pike (U.S. 30), on the right ...
