
Results for Veterans Memorial

Veterans' Memorial Carillon

2005 - Year of the Veteran

With deepest gratitude to those who so generously

contributed to this visible and resonant

remembrance of our Canadian Veterans

Separate Stone marker nearby:

Thank You Canada

Thank You Veterans

1940 - 1945

This musical tribute is a gift to all

Canadians from the ...

Veterans Memorial Drive

Dedicated to All Veterans

Originally dedicated 1934

Rededicated 2000

Symbolism of the Mural

Just as our own Nebraska natives left their homes to fight wars on foreign soil, the use of Endicott brick represents native earth that brings all of us back to our ...

Beatrice Veterans Memorial Wall of Honor

I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag

We Answered the Call

United We Stand

Keepers of Freedom

[And Other Mottos]

[Honoree Plaques]

Dedicated May 30, 2005

Marker is at the intersection of South 6th Street (U.S. 77) and Veterans Memorial Drive, on the right when traveling south on ...

Marion Township Veterans Memorial

In honor of all citizens

of Marion Township

who served their country

"I have fought a good fight,

I have finished my course,

I have kept the faith."

II Timothy 4:7

Marker is on Main Street near Scharff Road, on the left when traveling east.


Veterans Memorial

(Rehoboth Beach, Delaware)

" Dedicated to Honor the

sacrifice of the men and women

who served our country

in war and peace"

( Left monument:)

C.A.P. Base #2

[List of 4 names]


Flying Anti-submarine Patrol

Former Members of this ...

Joanna Veterans' Memorial

Top plaque:

This hospital erected as a lasting tribute to the men and women of Joanna who served their country in World War II and as a memorial to those who gave their lives

H. Odell Barrett • Floyd R. Edwards • ...

Johnson County Veterans Memorial

Dedicated To All Who Served

Marker is on 3rd Street near Clay Street, on the left when traveling south.


Liberty Union VFW Post 3761 Veterans Memorial

In honor and tribute to

veterans of all wars

Dedicated November 11, 1973

Marker is at the intersection of Market Street (Ohio Route 256) and Oak Street, on the left when traveling west on Market Street.


Stamford Veterans Memorial

[ central pedestal ]

Lest We Forget

Within this pedestal is placed a time

capsule recording for all time

those residents of Stamford who responded

to the call, some giving their lives

while serving in our past wars.

In future wars should we be

called again, the people ...

Holmes County Veterans Memorial

Washington [north face]

Six Soldiers of the

Revolutionary War were

subsequently Residents of

Holmes County, Ohio.

Jackson [east face]

In memory of the

Soldiers of the War of A.D. 1812

who became citizens

of Holmes County, Ohio.

Scott [south face]

More than Two Hundred men

from Holmes County, Ohio,

served in the War ...
