
Results for World War I Memorial

World War and All War Memorial

1917 - 1919

In Grateful Memory of Our

Veterans of

All American Wars

Marker is on Walnut Street near 4th Street (U.S. 73), on the left when traveling east.


District of Columbia World War Memorial

[PANEL 1, northeast corner wayside.]

“This monument stands for men who fought not alone for their country, but to establish the principles of justice and peace. We pay tribute here to their valor. We honor them for their sacrifice.”

President ...

Leavenworth County World War Memorial

1917 - 1919

Dedicated to the

Memory of our Boys

who made

The Supreme Sacrifice

in the World War

Byron H. Mehl • Ernest Bagwell

Anthony Blanchard • William E. Burns

Edward Blochberger • Riley D. Cunningham

David H. Crockett • Frank Curtis

George T. Ewing • Frank B. Hicks

Hans ...

World War II Memorial


[ Upper Section ]

They lived to bear their Country’s

arms and died to save it’s Honor.

Sgt Charles W. Snider • 11-4-43

Pfc Lester J. Beyl • 1-31-44

S/Sgt William J. Summers, AAF • 3-8-44

Sgt Kenneth N. ...

World War II War Memorial

Henning, Illinois

In loving memory of those who served their Country in World War II.

Marker is on North Main Street north of U.S. 136, on the right when traveling north.


Bremen World Wars Memorial

Erected in grateful appreciation

by Citizens of

Bremen and Community

to our men and women,

who answered their countrys [sic] call

in World Wars One and Two.

These gave their lives

World War One

George Bigham

Emil D. Blosser

Willis L. Burnworth

John F. Coen

Oscar H. McVeigh

E. Ray Moyer

John F. Schmelzer

Carrol ...

Veterans World War I Memorial

Honor Roll

In memory of those

from this community who

answered their country's call.

Martin Adam · Frank Adams, Jr. · Romulus Berens · Anastazia Blaskoske · Raymond Borgen · Benjamin Brill · Darrell D. Burtis · Reynold Chapman · George H. Chase · ...

Union Township World War II Memorial


the men and women of

Union Township

who served their country during Wold War II


in memory of

the following who made the supreme sacrifice

Harold A. Cronce •

Thomas Godown •

Edward F. Greer •

Harry Henry •

John S. Martin •

Harold ...

Hoosick World War II Memorial

In grateful memory

this avenue of trees is dedicated

to all the brave men of

The Town of Hoosick

who served with the victorious forces of

the United States

in the Second World War

1941 – 1945.

On this tablet are inscribed

the names of those who

called from our ...

Bexley World War II Memorial

Bexley will ever remember her men and women who served in the Armed Forces of the U.S.A. during the Second World War

Names of Bexley's World War II veterans are engraved around the monument.

Marker is at the intersection of Broad Street ...
