
Results for Art

Berkeley High School Industrial Arts and Science (G and H Buildi

Henry H. Gutterson and William Corlett, Sr., Architects


City of Berkeley Landmark

designated in 1982

These buildings are fine examples of the Art Deco style in the Bay Area. They were designed as an ensemble with the adjacent Berkeley High School Community Theater. ...

Clara Barton

1862 - 1962

In Memory of Clara BartonFounder of the American Red Cross. A devoted nurse and tireless organizer who knew no enemy but the unfeeling heart. We walk the ways she took in easing the suffering at the Battle of ...

Johnston’s Headquarters

Established here on the night of March 18, 1865 and remained during the battle.

Mower’s Division came within 200 yards of this point in the Union assault of March 21.

Marker is at the intersection of Bentonville Road (County Route 1197) and ...

Site of Barton House

Site of Barton House, a beautiful Georgian style structure built in 1785 by James Maury, whom George Washington appointed as the first American ambassador to England. Guests in the Barton House included such notables as General Robert E. Lee and ...

Martinus Hogenkamp Cemetery

This cemetery, named after an early owner of the land, began in the 18th century as a family or community burial ground. Abandoned and forgotten, it was rescued by the Martinus Hogenkamp Cemetery Association. Several stones are inscribed in Dutch, ...

Clara Barton

(Upper Plaque):During the Battle of Antietam

September 17, 1862

Clara Barton brought supplies

and nursing aid to the wounded

on this battlefield.

The act of love and mercy

led to the birth of the present


National Red Cross

(Lower ...

Martin Boots

In memory of

Martin Boots

The first white man to

enter land in Marion

and the donor of

the ground upon which

this boulder stands.

Marker is on South Washington Street south of West 3rd Street, on the left when traveling south.

Courtesy ...

Mower’s Charge Reaches Johnston’s Headquarters

In the field in front of you skirmishers from the 64th Illinois, armed with Henry repeating rifles, overran Gen. Joseph E. Johnston’s headquarters, forcing the general and his staff to flee on foot toward Bentonville (to your left). Maj. Gen. ...

Union Artillery at the Morris Farm

A point approximately 400 yards in front of you marks the center of a line of Union cannons positioned on the Morris Farm on March 19, 1865. These massed guns played a significant role in blunting the final Confederate attacks ...

Confederate Headquarters

During February 17-19, 1865, General P.G.T. Beauregard, with Wade Hampton's cavalry acting as rear guard, made his headquarters here, telegraphing General R.E. Lee in Virginia news of the evacuation of Columbia, 20 miles south, before retiring to Winnsboro. Following and ...
