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Taglöhner Houses

Soon after the Inspirationists arrived in Iowa in 1855, they established a large farm and forestry operation, several flour, calico, and woolen mills, and a variety of other economic activities. Community members worked according to their skills and abilities, ...

High Amana Farm Complex

Dominating the landscape of the Amana Colonies, the farm complex sat clustered at the edge of each village. High Amana, like the other Amana villages, was equipped with a complete farm complex, allowing the village to be nearly self-sufficient. ...

Communal Kitchen and Coppershop Museum

The Ruedy Küche (kitchen house), built in 1863, served up to 40 community members at each meal during the communal era and was one of about nine kitchen houses in Middle Amana. In the communal Amana Colonies no residents ...

Lily Lake

The well-known Lily Lake between Amana and Middle Amana was formed about 1880 when a break in the Mill Race levee flooded a low slough area. The lake derives its name from the thousands of yellow American lotus lilies ...

Roger’s Anvil/Industrial Machine Shop Museum

On the backside of the woolen mill, the machine and locksmith shop occupied a building adjacent to the millwright's shop. The metal workers kept the metal components of the mill and farm machinery repaired, and they installed new technology ...

Amana Woolen Mill

Construction of the Woolen Mill in Amana began in 1859, and the mill complex was continually added to until 1943. A salesroom was later added in the 1960s. The production and sale of wool items has a long history ...

Colony Inn Restaurant

The Amana Colonies have always been a popular tourist spot, and even before the Reorganization of 1932, people visited the Amana villages out of curiosity about the communal society. The train, and later the automobile, greatly increased the number ...

Mill Race

Between 1865 and 1869, the Amana Colonists built a seven-mile-long canal stretching from the Iowa River near West Amana, through Middle Amana, then through Amana, and into Price Creek, just past town, where it continued to the river. They ...

Amana Colony Blacksmith Shop

The Amana villages were situated in a soil rich area of Iowa and the farmers cultivating it required the services of a full service blacksmith and repair shop. Each Amana village had one blacksmith shop. The self-sufficient Amana villages ...

Homestead Dwellings

The most common building type found in the Amana Colonies, the dwellings reflect the simple lives of their residents. Several original dwellings, mostly brick, remain in Homestead today. Amana Colony houses were typically rectangular, one-and-a-half-story buildings built with the ...
