Charles F. Eastman

Conductor on the Underground Railroad & Entrepreneur

Eastman (1821-1880) was barber, second-hand clothing dealer, mariner and hack driver. He was also a financial supporter of the Abyssinian Meeting House and School.

He owned and operated several barber shops with his four sons, ...

Battle of Cedar Creek

Near this point General Early, on the morning of October 19, 1864, stopped his advance and from this position he was driven by Sheridan in the afternoon.

Marker is on Valley Pike (U.S. 11) 0.1 miles north of Skirmisher Lane, on ...

Valdese Centennial Park

Legend of Plaques

First Marker:Centennial Seal

Official Seal of the 100th

Celebration of the founding

of Valdese


From an agrarian beginning

through Industrial growth,

comes a bright horizon


Citizens Band together

for a better Community


Religious Freedom for all

"Faith of our Fathers living still"

Armed Forces

Citizens of Valdese

Served in all branches

of ...

Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet


[Inscriptions on base of the memorial statue]

west face:

The deaf people of the United States

in grateful remembrance of

Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet

mark the centennial of his birth

with this memorial


north face:




east ...

Horace O. Davis

This building is named for Horace O. David whose dedication and estimable service to the USS Alabama Battleship Commission enhanced the memories of the personnel, who served aboard the USS Alabama and the honor of the people of the Great ...

Home of Amos Noë and Christiana Williams Freeman

Portland Freedom Trail

First full-time called minister of the Abyssinian Meeting House 1841-1852

Rev. Freeman (1809-1893) was an instructor in the school maintained for African Americans in the Abyssinian Meeting House. As conductors on the Underground Railroad, the Freemans maintained both their ...

Jacob Russell

Revolutionary Soldier

Jacob Russell

Born 1746 Windsor, Conn. - Died 1821 Warrensville, Ohio

Enlisted May 12. Discharged October 11, 1775.

8th Company, Connecticut Continental Regiment, 1775.

In 1812 he settled

in the Township of Warrensville

Now Shaker Heights Village, Cleveland, Ohio

Marked by the Western Reserve ...

White House Ferry

Operated from 1870–1910 about ¼ mile north of U.S. 211 over the South Fork of the Shenandoah River with its approach road close to the existing White House. You can easily see the White House, on the east side of ...

End Of Sheridan’s Ride

This knoll marks the position of the Union Army when Sheridan rejoined it at 10:30 A.M., October 19, 1864, in the Battle of Cedar Creek. His arrival, with Wright's efforts, checked the Union retreat.

Marker is at the intersection of Valley ...

Engagement Of Middletown

Here Stonewall Jackson, on May 24, 1862, attacked Banks retreating from Strasburg and forced him to divide his army.

Marker is on Main Street (U.S. 11) 0.1 miles north of First Street, on the right when traveling south.

