Alonzo P. Stinson

Third Sergeant Company H

Fifth Regiment

Maine Volunteer Infantry

Aged 19 Years

Killed First Battle Bull Run

July 21st 1861

Sergeant Stinson was the first

volunteer soldier from


to give his life for

the preservation of the Union

in the Civil War

Presented to the City of Portland

July 4th 1908

Marker is ...

Stephens City

General David Hunter ordered the burning of this town on May 30, 1864; but Major Joseph Streans of the First New York Cavalry prevented it.

Marker is on Main Street (U.S. 11) 0.1 miles south of Stephens Court or Valley Pike, ...

About 1765

Near Reedy River Falls, stood the home, trading station, and grist mill of Col. Richard Pearis, first white settler of this section. He was a noted Indian trader and prominent Tory of the Revolution.

Marker is on South Main Street (South ...

Christopher Christian Manuel

1781 - 1845

Activist, Barber and Musician

Born in Cape Verde, Africa

First President Portland

Union Anti-Slavery Society

Marker is on Congress Street near Mountfort Street, on the right when traveling north.


Greenwood Cemetery

Established by federal grant of 1821. Originally "The Graveyard"; later "City Cemetery"; & in 1899 received present name. here lie 7 state governors, many other city and state leaders, and in unmarked graves over 100 Confederate soldiers.

Marker is at the ...

Joseph Coffin Boyd

1760 - 1823

District Paymaster

US Army, War of 1812

First Maine State Treasurer

[Served 1820-1823, died in office]


Battle of Cedar Creek

October 19, 1864. General Philip Sheridan defeated General Jubal Early here for the third time in 30 days. Sheridan’s pursuit of Confederates from Fisher’s Hill halted at Mount Crawford. On his return he encamped his three corps in this immediate ...

Reverend William I. Reese

[Southwest Face]

Erected Dec 1, 1859

By a donation from the HON. FRANCIS O.J. SMITH, to honor and perpetuate the memory of REV. WILLIAM I. REESE who while pastor of the First Universalist Society, founded the Portland Widow’s Wood Society. December 1, ...

Jacob Von Walzer

1808 – 1891

Dedicated October 1961

To the Memory of

Jacob Von Walzer

1808 – 1891

One of America's most famed legendary figures, whose exploits have stimulated the imagination of peoples everywhere by his contribution to the heritage of his adopted country in which he ...

Bower Hill

Site of Gen. John Neville's mansion, burned to the ground by insurgents during a major escalation of violence in the Whiskey Rebellion, July 16-17, 1794. Gen. Neville was Inspector of Revenue under President Washington. In the two-day battle, Neville with ...
