
Results for Art

Chatham Artillery

"Washington Guns"

These cannon, which were captured when Lord Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown in the American Revolution, were a gift to the Chatham Artillery by President George Washington - a mark of his appreciation for the part the local military company ...

Artery of Commerce

Sailing ships and the rivers they travelled were vital to the tidewater plantations of Virginia and Maryland. They were the colonial counterpart to our vehicles, highways, and railroads.

In front of you is Popes Creek; beyond is the Potomac River. Every ...

Purple Heart Memorial

Combat Wounded Veterans

Dedicated to the recipients of this nation’s oldest military decoration, “The Purple Heart”

Military Order of the Purple Heart 1782 • 1932

My stone is red for the blood they shed.

The medal I bear is my ...

Wadboo Barony: Francis Marion’s Last Headquarters

Wadboo was a Native American name given to the enormous landholding of James Colleton, a son of Sir John Colleton, who was one of the original eight Lords Proprietors of the Carolina colony. Called a barony according to the Proprietors’ ...

The Arthur V. Rohweder Memorial Highway

So designated by the Minnesota State Legislature and enacted into State Law, April 20, 1961.

In recognition of the eminent leadership and outstanding contributions of Arthur V. Rohweder to the achievement by Minnesota of notable success and national prominence in all ...

Martinez Public Library


Martinez Free Reading Room and Library

Housed in building

owned by Dr. John Strentzel

620 Main Street


Main & Estudillo

Land donated by Mrs. John Strentzel

and Louie Strentzel Muir

Building built at the cost of $6,371

Money raised

by popular subscription


Moved to present location

740 Court Street

Constructed with local ...

Civil War Earthworks

Federal soldiers of the 12th Corps built these earthworks on May 1, 1863. "Stonewall" Jackson's flank attack the following day placed them in Confederate hands. At about 6:00 a.m. on May 3, North Carolinians under William Dorsey Pender and Georgians ...

Camp Bartow

Battle of Greenbrier River

In August 1861, Confederate soldiers under Gen. Henry R. Jackson of Georgia erected Camp Bartow here. Fortifications on these hills guarded a disputed "middle ground" between Union and Confederate forces on the Staunton-Parkersburg Turnpike. The defenses ...

Maria Ramita Simbola Martinez "Summer Harvest" (1884-1969),

Cora Durand (1904-1981),Virginia Duran, (1904-1998)

Maria Ramita Simbola Martinez, Cora Durand, and Virginia Duran helped to preserve the distinctive micaceous pottery tradition that is important in Picuris and other nearby pueblos. Made with locally mined mica-rich clay, these unusual pots have ...

Site of Martin Van Buren Residence

Martin Van Buren

1782 - 1862

resided at 92 State Street

on this site

while serving as 9th Governor of

the State of New York 1828 - 1829

He is famed for his distinguished career as boy-lawyer, surrogate, judge, state senator, Attorney General, United States Senator, ...
