John McMillan

First Presbyterian missioner in this area, 1775. Founder of Hill Church, 1776, and of Western Theological Seminary and Jefferson College. Died in 1833, after sixty years in the ministry, and is buried in the churchyard.

Marker is at the intersection of ...

Warren County / Page County

Warren County. Area 216 square miles. Formed in 1836 from Frederick and Shenandoah, and named for General Joseph Warren, killed at Bunker Hill, 1775.

Page County. Area 322 square miles. Formed in 1831 from Shenandoah and Rockingham, and named for John ...

Historic Valdese Foundation Heritage Millennium Clock Tower

For the European Waldensian settlers of Valdese, a clock tower served as a landmark or beacon for a town's inhabitants. This landmark honors and memorializes all these founders, leaders, citizens and organizations who have greatly contributed to the development of ...

Cavalry Engagement

On 15 Nov. 1863, Col. William H. Boyd reconnoitered with a Federal cavalry and artillery detachment south from Charlestown (in present-day W.Va.) toward New Market. The next day, the force encountered Maj. Robert White’s cavalry command just north of Mount ...

Brigadier General Francis Stebbings Bartow

Born Savannah Georgia, Sept. 16, 1816

Mortally wounded on this spot,

July 21, 1861

Commanded 7th, 8th, 9th & 11th Georgia &

1st Kentucky Regiments

The first Confederate officer

to give his life on the field.

Marker can be reached from Sudley Road (Virginia Route 234) 0.6 ...

Bradford House

Built in 1788 by David Bradford, leader of the Whiskey Rebellion in 1794. Occupied by him until he fled to Spanish West Florida after the collapse of the Rebellion.

Marker is on South Main Street (Pennsylvania Route 18), on the right ...

Lightship Portsmouth


Lightships and the City of Portsmouth go back to the beginning of lightship duty in this country in 1820. The first lightship was established off Craney Island at the mouth of the Elizabeth River. Working lightships were constant visitors on ...

Hupp’s Hill

Part of a 1,000 acre estate begun by George F. Hupp in the 1750s. Hupp's Hill and buildings further south were used as a headquarters by federal generals Nathaniel Banks and James Shields during Stonewall Jackson's 1862 Valley Campaign. The ...

Globe Inn

Stood on this site. It was opened in 1798 by David Morris. Among the noted guests during the National Road era were five presidents of the U.S. Lafayette was entertained here on May 25, 1825.

Marker is on South Main Street ...

LeMoyne Crematory

This crematory, the first in the United States, was built in 1876 by Dr. Francis LeMoyne. From 1876 to 1900, there were 42 cremations. Dr. LeMoyne lies buried here.

Marker is on South Main Street 0 miles north of Elm Street, ...
