Seibels House

(Front text)

This house, listed in the National Register of Historic Places and probably built during the last decade of the 18th century, is one of the few remaining houses from this era in Columbia. It was purchased prior to ...

First Battle of Manassas

On the Matthews Hill, just to the north, the Confederates repulsed the attack of the Unionists, coming from the north, in the forenoon of July 21, 1861. The Union forces, reinforced, drove the Confederates to the Henry Hill, just to ...

Pleasant Grove House

This was the site of a popular roadhouse, where the ponies of the Central Overland Pony Express were changed during July 1, 1860 to June 30, 1861. From here the route of the pony riders continued westward to Folsom and ...

Campaign of Second Manassas

Here Taliaferro, of Jackson’s force, came into the highway in the late night of August 27, 1862. He was marching from Manassas to the position about a mile and a half to the north held by Jackson in the Second ...

The Site of Fort Loyal

Erected by the Colonists in 1680

Captured by the French and Indians

in 1690. Entire English

settlement destroyed


To the memory of these

brave defenders

this tablet placed by

The Daughters of the American Colonists

November 5, 1936

Marker is at the intersection of Commercial Street / Thames Street ...

Ebenezer United Methodist Church

The first meetings of this congregation were held in the homes of its members. In 1824 a stone church building was erected at this location. The growth of the congregation resulted in the replacement of the original building by a ...

Washington County

Formed March 28, 1781 out of Westmoreland County and named for Gen. George Washington. A scene of activity in the Whiskey Rebellion, 1791-94. The county seat, Washington, was made a borough in 1810; a city in 1924. On the National ...

Willard Park

On display in Willard Park, named for the early 20th century commandant of the Yard, are over 60 naval artifacts from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Mounted at the western end of the park is a fine collection of turn-of-the-century ...

Twenty Mule Team

This is one of the original twenty mule team wagons, built to carry borax out of Death Valley – through 165 miles of desolated mountains and blistering deserts – to the nearest railroad junction in Mojave. It took 20 days ...

Canal Locks

Port Middletown Plaza

Canal locks were built to raise and lower boats as the elevation of the land changed. There were 106 locks on the Miami & Erie Canal to overcome a difference in elevation of 512 feet.

The Excello Lock, left, ...
