
Results for Art

The Heart of San Cristobal

You are standing in the heart of Castillo San Cristobal, its main plaza, or plaza de armas. Completed by 1797, it looked then much as you see it now. This plaza de armas witnessed the daily events of military life ...

De Martini Winery

Paul De Martini built Clayton Vineyards Winery in 1885 on land formerly owned by Joel Clayton, the area’s first vintner. An Austrian stone mason directed construction, using stone quarried on Mount Diablo and hauled here by wagon teams. This was ...

Meyers Department Store 1924(c)

Costa Mesa Historical Site

Costa Mesa





Marker is on Newport Boulevard, on the right when traveling north.


Sacred Heart Catholic Church Bell

Cornlea, Nebraska

Inscribed on the Bell:

Cast by Stuckstede & Bro.

St. Louis, Mo


A.D. MCMY-111 - Pius - Pro

[Probably MCMVIII for 1908]

Ecclesia S.S. Cordis

Cornlea, Nebr.

Weight: 1,000 lbs.

The dedication of the Sacred Heart Church, Cornlea, Nebraska was November 4, 1908. The church bell was ...

Quartermaster's Complex

The massive quartermaster's complex was located 100 yards behind the sign. The complex included offices, noncommissioned staff quarters, warehouses, shops, and wagon shed. The quartermaster was in charge of all equipment, supplies, transportation, animals, and construction and building repairs, as ...

Post Surgeon's Quarters

Records are unclear as to the exact date of construction of the surgeon's quarters. It was a one-story, four-room, frame residence. Prior to its construction the surgeon was housed on officers' row. As part of his medical duties, the surgeon ...

Laundress' Quarters

The four wooden frame buildings that comprised "Sudsville" or "Laundress Row," were located approximately 100 yards behind and to the left of this sign. Each building housed four laundresses and their families in two 12' by 12' rooms. Laundresses were ...

Galveston Artillery Club

By 1840, a year after its incorporation, the city of Galveston was home to approximately 1,200 residents, the entry point for scores of immigrants and a major coastal shipping port. Ongoing tensions between the young Republic of Texas and Mexico ...

Many Came by Handcart

Between June 9, 1856, and July 6, 1860, ten separate Handcart Companies left Iowa

City, Iowa, or Florence, Nebraska to their land of Zion in the Utah Territory. There were

653 handcarts and 50 wagons.

Nearly 3,000 souls, some with babes in arms, ...

Battery Bartlett

Battery Bartlett was built in the 1890's atop the fort's original earthen ravelin (triangular fortification in front of the bastions). A major upgrade to earlier batteries, it protected the Nantasket Roads and the Narrows Channels into Boston and the deep-water ...
