
Results for Battle Field

Petersburg Breakthrough Battlefield

Has been designated a

National Historic Landmark

This site possesses national significance

in commemorating the history of the

United States of America.

In the predawn darkness of April 2, 1865, the Union Sixth Corps

successfully breached the Confederate defenses southwest of Petersburg.

The breakthrough forced the Confederate ...

Welcome to Oriskany Battlefield

Oriskany Battlefield stands at the very heart of the American Revolution in the Mohawk River Valley. As in past conflicts, in 1777 the valley again became a critical military corridor for the movement of men and materials.

The story of the ...

Five Forks Battlefield

has been designated a

Registered National

Historic Landmark

under the provisions of the

Historic Sites Act of August 21, 1935.

This site possesses exceptional value

in commemorating and illustrating

the history of the United States.

Marker is on White Oak Road (Virginia Route 613), on the left when ...

Swift Creek Battlefield: A Landscape of Change

The Bermuda Hundred Campaign began on May 5, 1864, when Union General Benjamin Butler and the 33,000-man Army of the James landed at Bermuda Hundred nine miles northeast of here. General Butler's westward advance threatened Drewry's Bluff and Richmond to ...

A Splendid Field of Battle

Union commanders chose an ideal location to fight their last battle of the Seven Days. As many as 40 cannon covered the one-half-mile front, stretching from the slopes of Crew’s Run on your left to a similar drop to Western ...

Battlefield of Seven Pines

In the abatis occupying this ground and covering the second Federal line, the advance of Rodes' Brigade was halted by heavy fire after sunset, May 31,1862. The Confederate dead in this last charge were never removed. They still slumber hereabout.

Courtesy ...

Battlefield of Peachtree Creek

Lt. Gen. John B. Hood, on taking command of the Army of Tennessee [CS], July 18, 1864, began aggressive action against the Federal approach to Atlanta from

upper Chattahoochee crossings.

July 20. Hood’s 1st move was to attack Thomas’ Army of the ...

Home Becomes Battlefield

The Civil War affected not only the soldiers who fought but the families whose homes and towns became battlefields. Edmund H. Chambers bought this farm in 1848 and lived here with his family until the Civil War. Although Chambers was ...

Drewry’s Bluff Battlefield

On a line that here crossed the Richmond–Petersburg turnpike, Confederate troops under command of General G.T. Beauregard attacked the Federal army of Major-General B.F. Butler on May 16, 1864 and forced its withdrawal to the Bermuda Hundred defences.

Marker is on ...

Battlefield of Seven Pines

Nearby stood "The Twin Houses" from the vicinity of which Confederate Troops moving eastward, charged the Federal Second Line near Seven Pines after they had stormed Casey's Redoubt and the rest of the Federal First Line on May 31, 1862.

Marker ...
