
Results for Christ Church

Lebanon Christian Church

Founded March 31, 1864 by evangelist Moses Park. William Terry Kirby, Sr. and Nancy T. Greer Kirby donated four acres of land adjacent to their home for the church site. Services were first conducted at a brush arbor on the ...

Metamora Christian Church

Organized July 18, 1841. The oldest Christian Congregation in Franklin Co. This Church was organized as a result of a revival meeting held by Rev. Alexander Campbell, founder of the Campbellites. Services were held for a time in the upper ...

St. James United Church of Christ

Formerly St. James Evangelical and Reformed Church, this is the oldest active congregation of the German Reformed tradition in Virginia. Lovettsville, a German settlement, was founded by settlers of the Reformed faith in 1733. Early records indicate that Elder William ...

Canfield Christian Church

(side A)

The Canfield Christian Church began as a Baptist congregation in 1822 and church met for worship in William Dean's home. The Mahoning Baptist Association Meeting of 1826 was held in David Hayes barn. In 1827, Walter Scott was asked ...

St. Matthew's Lutheran Church Christian Day School

Meherrin, Virginia

In 1880 a German Lutheran minister, the Rev. W. R. Buehler, a well-educated man who had worked for five years as a missionary in Africa, moved with his family to Green Bay, Virginia. He had not been in Green ...

Bethany Church of Christ

Bethany Church of Christ, the oldest church building in Bethany, was built in 1852 according to plans drawn by Alexander Campbell, founder of Bethany College and leader in the Disciples Movement. Its foundation is built of stone from the original ...

Christ Reformed Church

Known as "Mother of Reformed Churches" of this region. Congregation organized, May 1747, marking settlement of German pioneers in southern part of Conewago Valley. Section of present building erected, 1798. Many notable persons lie buried in the old churchyard.

Marker is ...

Christ Episcopal Church, Raleigh North Carolina

Christ Episcopal Church

has been designated a National Historic Landmark

This site possesses national significance in commemorating the history of the United States of America

Marker is on North Wilmington Street, on the right when traveling north.


Christ Church Episcopal, Port Tobacco Parish Maryland

Parish church of Port Tobacco Parish, one of the 30 Church of England parishes established, 1692, by act of the provincial assembly, supported by a yearly poll tax of 40 pounds of tobacco. In 1904 the edifice was moved stone ...

Christ Reformed Church

Known as "Mother of Reformed Churches" of this region. Congregation organized, May 1747, marking settlement of German pioneers in southern part of Conewago Valley. Section of present building erected, 1798. Many notable persons lie buried in the old churchyard.

Marker is ...
