
Results for Veterans Memorial

Byram Veterans Memorial

In Memoriam

Dedicated To The

Honor And Sacrifice

Of The Men And Women

Of Byram Who Served

In The Armed Forces In

Defense Of Our Country

Erected by the People of Byram


Marker is at the intersection of Delavan Avenue and Mead Avenue, on the right when ...

Nemaha County Veterans Memorial

In honor of all veterans

that have served their country

Duty • Honor • Freedom

Courage • Service

[Honor Roll of]

Veterans Killed in Action

Dedicated May 30, 2011

Marker is at the intersection of J Street (U.S. 75) and 11th Street on J Street.


Rye Korean War Veterans Memorial

Korean War Veterans Memorial

To All Who Served During The Korean War 1950 – 1953

"Freedom Is Not Free"

United States Casualities

Killed 54,246 Wounded 103,284 Missing 8,177 Captured 7,140

Give thoughts to the terrain of Korea

The blood, the ...

Greenwich Ninth District Veterans Memorial

Erected In Memory Of The

Men From The Ninth District

Greenwich, Connecticut

Who Served In The Armed

Forces And Paid The Supreme

Sacrifice For Their Country

Anthony J. Balco • Joseph T. Borowiec • Domenico S. Crucitti • Harold A. Granholm • John T. ...

Veterans Memorial

Fort Lowell Park

Dedicated to the enduring memory of the men and women who faithfully served in the military forces of the United States of America and in grateful acknowledgment of their contribution to this nation, which in time of ...

Sussex County Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Welcome Home

1Lt Thomas B. Adams, USA - Selbyville

LCPL Linden Wayne Brittingham, USMC - Milton

PFC William Joseph Bunting, USA - Frankford

CPL Reginald Wayne Burris, USA - Ellendale

SGT Richard Samuel Dennison, USA - Bethel

PFC Elmer Lee Faulkner, Jr., USMC - ...

Bronte Veterans Memorial

Dedicated to the veterans of all wars who freely and courageously joined in the great world-wide conflicts for the preservation of peace, freedom and democracy

Marker is at the intersection of Main Street (Texas Route 158) and Railroad Street, on the ...

Clinton County Veterans Memorial

"We Owe So Much to So Few"

Dedicated to the men & women of Clinton County who served in the

War of 1812,

Mexican, Civil,

Spanish, WW I,

WW II, Korean,

Vietnam and

Persian Gulf War

(Desert Storm)

Afghanistan / Iraq

Marker is at the intersection of South Street (U.S. ...

Grove Street Cemetery Veterans Memorial

Dedicated to the Veterans

Who Gave Their Lives

In Service to Their Country

May They Rest In Peace

Erected by the Grateful Citizens

Of the City of New Haven

May 27, 1974 Bartholomew F. Guida Mayor

Marker can be reached from the intersection of Grove Street and ...

Racine American Legion Post 602 Veterans Memorial

In honor of the veterans

who dutifully served our country

Dedicated 26 May 1997

Dedicated to the honor

and sacrifice of the

men and women who served

our country in

World War I

World War II

The Korean War

The Vietnam War

Granada (sic - Grenada)


Persian Gulf

In honored tribute to

the brave ...
