
Results for War Memorial

Winchester Revolutionary War Memorial

In Grateful Remembrance

Of the Soldiers of the American Revolution

Who Are Buried

In The Town Of Winchester

Stephen Wade • Ozias Bronson • Wail Loomis • John Dare • Richard Coit • Moses Hatch • Roswell Grant • Oliver Coe • Solomon Wheadon ...

West Mineral War Memorial

In honor of the veterans

of the community of

West Mineral, Kansas

who devotedly served their

country in time of war

Marker is at the intersection of McClung Street and Lyle Street, on the right when traveling east on McClung Street.


W. W. II War Memorial - Livingston County Illinois

[ Etched in Stone:]

In memory of those men and women of Livingston County who served in

World War II

1941 - 1945

[ Bronze Marker:]

1941 – 1945

To the eternal memory of the men

of Livingston County

Global War

Freedoms - Liberty - American Way

[ Row One:]

Wilmer ...

W. W. I War Memorial - Livingston County Illinois

1917 – 1919

In memory

of the soldiers sailors and nurses

of Livingston County who made the

supreme sacrifice during the World War

[ Row One:]

George E. Personette • William Durre • Burt McCoy • Victor V. Vahldieck • Charles H. Cullom • Walter G. ...

American Legion Post 366 War Memorial

1914 — 1918

Dedicated to those of Bennie Kasierski Post No. 366 who offered their lives in humanity's defense in the war of the nations and in memory of those of the nation who gave their last full measure of devotion.

In ...

Bernardsville War Memorials

Top Plaque

1917 - 1919

Erected in memory of the Boys of Bernrads Township

who gave their lives in the World War.

James Kilday •

Arthur A. Card •

Russull W. Mullen •

Robert E. Pope •

William Neill •

Francis Bergen • ...

Shelby County Korean Conflict / Vietnam War Memorial

They Rest In Honored Glory

In commemoration of those of

Shelby County

who for freedom's sake gave their

last full measure of devotion

Korean Conflict

Blackford, Forest W. • Cicur, Jr., John T.

Eidemiller, Harold H. • Fogt, Kale D.

Fogt, Lloyd O. • Geuy, George D.

Hetzler, Thurman ...

Princeton War Memorial

World War I


In memory of

Bernard Kasierski · Leo Leonard · Jacob Lese · Walter Shave · Edward L. Drill · Stanish Naperalla · William Malzham · Sylvester Rutkowski · Joseph Gebert

"Their ultimate sacrifice shall

live in ...

Desert Storm - War Memorial

[On boulder]

In Honor of our

Desert Storm Veterans

1990 1991

[Dedication Plaque ]

May 17, 1992 - - a special dedication,

memories - - sweet n’ bitter recollections.

August 1990, U.S. troops deployed to a foreign land,

Saudia Arabia - - a country of sand.

To those who ...

Chico World War I Memorial

In Memory of Our

Honored Dead of

The World War

1917 – 1918

William H. Aitken • Wyatt L. Arbuckle • Edwin W. Boggs • Russell C. Doyle • Harry A. Elliott • Elbert P. Esmond • Edward N. Fairo • Nelson Coe • ...
