
Results for World War I Memorial

Town of Redding World War I Memorial

Town of Redding

1914 Roll of Honor 1918

Erected in Appreciation of The

Services of Our Men and Women

Who Served in the World War

Harold Albin • Carl A. Anderson • Hubert Anderson • Sigurd Anderson • Edward Babcock • ...

Swampscott World War I Memorial

World War

1917 1918

In Memoriam

They Gave Their Lives

For Their Country

Leon E. Abbott • John E. Blocksidge • Elmer R. Bolinder • William M. Bunting • Wilfred G. Colclough • Harry W. Eastman • Raymond L. Howland • George H. Morrill • ...

Mexican Border and World War Memorial

Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori

These trees were planted

in memory of the students and alumni

of the University of South Carolina

who gave their lives

for their country and humanity

on the Mexican Border and in the World War

1916 -1918

[Emblem Included]

Erected by ...

Meriden World War I Memorial

Dedicated To

The Memory of Those

From Meriden Who Made

The Supreme Sacrifice

In the Service Of

Their Country During

The World War

1917 ––– 1918

[ Soldiers’ names are listed on the central column ]

Anderson, Leslie H. • ...

World War II War Memorial


In Memory of War Heros

World War II 1941

Ernest A. Azevedo

Joseph T. Silveira

Tony Carodza, Jr.

Marker can be reached from Mission Boulevard.


New York World War Veterans Memorial Highway

New York

World War Veterans Memorial Highway

Surveyed 1928 •

Completed 1937

During the Administrations of Governors

Alfred E. Smith

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Herbert H. Lehman

* * * * *

Whiteface Mountain Highway Commission

William H. Anderson, Chairman

J. Hubert Stevens

Roger B. Prescott

Frederick Stuart Greene, Chief Engineer

J. Willard Holler, District ...

Marblehead World War I Memorial

This Memorial Dedicated By The

Citizens of Marblehead

To The Memory Of

Charles H. Evans Killed in Action – July 20, 1918

Irving E. Brown Died in France – October 13, 1918

William F. Farry Died in France – February 6, 1919

John A. Roundy Killed ...

Arnold Post No. 46 World War Memorial

In memory

of the


of the

Great World War

1914 - 1918


Bethlehem World War II Memorial

Erected by the people of

the town of Bethlehem

to commemorate the patriotism

and loyalty of those who served

their country during World War II

* Peter S. SprouleClifford Adams • Leon W. Banks • Thomas C. Bate, Jr. ...

Bethlehem Civil War and World War I Memorial

A Tribute to the Valor

Of The

Men of Bethlehem

Who Fought For

Freedom and Humanity

Civil War

1861 – 1865

Frederick Adkins • Joseph Boyce • Gideon D. Crane • William B. Crane • Francis Dugan • John ...
