
Results for World War II Memorial

World War II Memorial

They Sought No Glory But Their Country's Good

In memory of those who made

the supreme sacrifice in defense

of their country in World War II.

We Honor All

Marker is at the intersection of Broadway and 17th Street, on the left when traveling east ...

Oradell World War II Memorial

1941 - 1945

In Honor of the Men and Women

Of Oradell

Who Served in World War II

And Dedicated in the Memory of Those

Who Made the Supreme Sacrifice

Hugh D. Black • Thomas H. Cordes • Paul A. DeMarrais ...

World War II Memorial

Dedicated to

the Men and Women

of Florence County

who answered the

call of America

in World War II


In memory of

those who gave their

young lives for

God and Country

Placed by

The United Daughters of the Confederacy

of Florence, South Carolina


Marker can be reached from Woody Jones Boulevard.

Courtesy ...

Chestnut Hill and Mount Airy World War II Memorial


This memorial is erected

in memory of those who

gave their lives and

as a tribute to

the men and women of

Chestnut Hill and Mt. Airy

who served in the Armed Forces

of the United States of America


Watts Mills' World War II Veterans Memorial

Top Plaque:

Watts Mills' employees

who gave their lives

in World War II

Rumsley Thompson Bennett Chester Calvin Miller

Joe Edward Carlton Rex Darvin Power

Tommy Cogdill Luther Prather

John Elmer Davis Robert Lee Putman

James Byron Gray Allen Rhodes

Alvin Ludie Hazle Ryan Telford Satterwhite

Ernest Geter Hewitt, Jr. ...

Ukranian Americans World War II Memorial

Dedicated to

American heroes of all

nationalities who died

for their country in

the Second World War

Erected by

Ukranian - Americans

of greater New York

in memory

of their sons




Marker is on 2nd Avenue.


Wayne Township World War II Memorial


A living memorial dedicated in commemoration of those who made the supreme sacrifice in World War II from Wayne Township

In grateful tribute to all men and women of this area who have or will serve in defense of ...

St. Stanislaus Church World War II Memorial

"These Made The

Supreme Sacrifice"

Bekowski, Andrew

Cisewski, Leonard

Domack, Eugene

Drifka, Raphae

Glodowski, Chester

Koltz, Benedict

Mayek, John

Maziarka, Edward

Peskie, Frank

Shafranski, William

Vaughan, Rolyn

Zoromski, Richard

"May They Rest In Peace"

In thankfulness to God and his Blessed Mother

and in honor of the men and women of St. Stanislaus Parish

who served our ...

World War II Memorial

Dedicated to the gallant sailors of the U.S.

Merchant Marine and the U.S. Navy Armed Guard,

who sailed, fought and died on those famous

Liberty Ships and other merchant ships of the

U.S. Maritime Service. This community is forever

grateful for their service and courage ...

Keedysville District World War II Memorial

Honor Roll

In memory of

those from the

Keedysville District

who served their country

in World War II

1941 – 1945

* Gerald Baker * Ernest L. Eavey, Jr.

* Roger Easterday * Gardner Lapole

John Benner • Roger Burtner • Arlington Castle • Gerald Castle • John Castle ...
