"Declaration & Address"

First published at this site. Founding of the Disciples of Christ is dated from this statement's adoption, Sept. 7, 1809. It was written by Thomas Campbell, who with his followers had organized the Christian Association of Washington earlier in the ...

Lee Cohen Harby

In Memory of

Lee Cohen Harby

1849 - 1918

Who by Her Patriotic and

Untiring Efforts Secured This Building for

The Daughters of the American Revolution

of South Carolina

As a Gift from the United States Government

May 9, 1917


Elisha McCurdy

The great Presbyterian revivalist is buried here where he served as pastor 46 years. At Cross Roads and Upper Buffalo he led, in Nov., 1802, the Great Revival meetings attended by many thousands from near and far.

Marker is on Steubenville ...

First Settlement and Post Office

One fourth mile east from this point is the site of the first settlement in 1857 and the first Post Office in 1876 of St. Petersburg, then called Pinellas.

Marker is at the intersection of 4th Street South and Bayside Drive ...

The Pony Express - Woodfords

During the initial five weeks of its operation in 1860, an important remount station of the famous Pony Express was located a few feet from here at Cary’s Barn.

This monument erected by the Historical Society of Alpine County.

National Pony Express ...

Carroll's Mill

Stone structure nearby was flour mill built in 1812 by Charles Carroll of Carrollton (1737-1832), wealthy landowner and signer of the Declaration of Independence. Site was within his 17,000-acre wilderness tract called "Carrollton Manor." He deeded the mill to Sarah ...

Christ Episcopal Church, Tuscaloosa Alabama

Organized January 7, 1828

The second oldest Episcopal Church in Alabama. Construction begun 1829, completed 1830 at cost of $1700. Enlarged and remodeled in 1880 from original Greek Revival design to present Gothic lines. First pews sold to highest bidder; ...

The Pony Express - Sportsman’s Hall

California’s only Home Station where riders changed on the Pony Express trail. Here, at 8:01 A.M. on April 4, 1860, Sam Hamilton, first eastbound rider, was relieved by Warren Upson who carried the initial mail over the then storm swept ...

Birth of a Park

Zion was little visited by outsiders during the 19th Century. The region's isolation began to erode in 1908, when Deputy Surveyor Leo Snow mapped the upper Virgin River for the U.S. Department of the Interior. Snow's report was so persuasive ...

Wiley Oakley

"Roamin Man of the Mountains"

1885 - 1954

Mountain Guide....Philosopher


Wiley loved his Mountains and

all God's Creatures Therein.

Marker is on Chapman Hwy (U.S. 321) near Wiley Oakley Drive.

