Near Campsites of Louis-Michel Aury and Francisco Xavier Mina

A bivouac in late 1816 and early 1817 for an oddly mixed group of soldiers from many nations joined in the common purpose of freeing Mexico from Spain. Under two spirited leaders-- Mina (1789-1817), an impetuous young Spanish general, and ...

Richard Montgomery

1738 - 1775

Born in Ireland; served in the British Army in the French & Indian War. Joined the American Revolution as the most experienced general in the Continental Army. Led the invasion of Canada where he was killed in the ...

"Ole Jim"

Peikoff Alumni House

Panel 1

“Ole Jim”

Fondly known by Gallaudet alumni as “Ole Jim,” this building was the first Gallaudet College gymnasium. Designed by Frederick Withers and built in 1881, it was the nation’s second gymnasium with an indoor ...

Jean Lafitte

Notorious pirate. Settled here in 1817 with his buccaneers and ships; under Mexican flag, continued his forays against Spanish shipping in the Gulf. On this site, he built his home, Maison Rouge (Red House), which was part of his fort; ...

Cavalry Engagement

Here, at Lacey’s Springs, Rosser’s Confederate cavalry attacked Custer's camp, December 20, 1864. Rosser and Custer (of Indian Fame) had been roommates at West Point.

Marker is on North Valley Pike (U.S. 11) south of Martz Road.


Home Site of William Crawford (d. 1762) Founder of Portsmouth

Here stood the residence of William Crawford who in 1752 founded the town of Portsmouth on sixty-five acres of his extensive plantation lands. The house site extended south on Crawford Street 113 feet, and east on High Street to the ...

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson


One of the best loved American poets, Emily Elizabeth Dickinson wrote some of the most important poetry in the English language. Born on December 10 in Amherst, Massachusetts, she attended Mount Holyoke Female Seminary for a year when she was ...

Birthplace of the Department of Wisconsin American Legion

1919 - 1937

On this site, September 3, 1919, was held the first caucus of World War veterans who organized the Department of Wisconsin of the American Legion

John C. Davis

First Department Commander

This tablet dedicated August 8, 1937


Fort Sandusky

Erected by the British near this junction in 1761; destroyed during Pontiac's Conspiracy of 1763. The fort was strategically located near Indian towns and trading posts on the Great Indian trail between Detroit and Pittsburgh.

Marker is at the intersection of ...

Veterans Memorial Flagpole

Remember and honor the many sacrifices that have been made to defend the freedoms that form the foundations of our country.

Veterans Service Commission

Norman Willier

Roger Neff

Larry Kitchen

Russell Essinger

George Lehman

March 7, 2001

Marker is at the intersection of Main Street (Ohio Route 12) ...
